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Ministerial Preparation

Supervising Pastor Form

As a Pastor, that has Ministerial Students studying to be Pastors themselves, it is important that they are educated, trained and supervised. Supervision is your responsibility as their Pastor. Your opinion is important to the DBMD and your continued recommendation of them is needed and required everytime they come before the DBMD.

Please know that anything you say will be confidential. We want you to help us ask the right questions. If there are areas that we need to dig a little deeper, please let us know, whether that be personal or theological/doctrinal.

The only thing that will not be confidential is your recommendation of them. If you feel they are no longer qualified to be a Ministerial Student, we will need to share that information with them and you will need to work through the ramifications of the recommendation.

Thank-you in advance for filling this form out every year your Ministerial Student meets before the DMBD.

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