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Pastor's Blog


December 2016

No matter how many times I read that story. No matter how many times I think about the events. I am still get excited when I think about the shepherds and angels having a meeting on a hillside just a short distance from Bethlehem. I mean… the stillness of the night suddenly ablaze with the glory of heaven as the angels came and serenaded the scared to death shepherds with the greatest news that ever came from Heaven.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord…… Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace goodwill toward men.”

I know I am preaching to the choir here, but can you even begin to imagine that glorious scene as it is described in Luke chap-ter 2? In my days I have seen some pretty glorious sunrises and sunsets, as I am sure you also have. I have seen some pretty spec-tacular waterfalls and mountain ranges. I have seen hot springs ex-plode into the air with a magnificent force all on an amazing time schedule.

Yet none of these can even begin to capture the wonder of my thoughts as the events of Luke chapter 2. I am a pretty senti-mental fellow and each time I read that passage my eyes well up with tears of joy and amazement as I envision the gathering of an-gels all singing in heavenly harmony that the earth has never heard before and I can only speculate how “awesome” that was. It is one of those moments that send chills up my spine and it sends my thoughts to the heights of the heavens.

No wonder the shepherds said to one another, “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem to see this thing the Lord has made known unto us.” Did you catch the scene? They were so amazed that they could not stand still, they had to go, they had to see, they had to worship, why? Because the Lord made this news known un-to them, that’s why.

I know there have been times in all our lives when God has made known to us something great that we just had to go see it. Let me remind you of that time, it was when you trusted Christ as your Savior. You like the shepherds just had to go see…. That is what makes this story so special. That is why I love this time of the year! Grace to you all.

November 2016

Most recently, when my family and I were out near Pittsburgh to visit our daughter and her family, I drove past a baseball field that was being used that day by young children just learning the idea of what hitting and throwing a ball is all about. The day itself was not what you would call “good baseball weather,” but despite the light drizzle, cool breeze, and cloudy sky those little tikes were out there giving their all with the dream of one day playing in the big leagues.

There was another group of individuals there also. Yep, you guessed it, parents. The parents of those future stars were all there holding their coffee cups, donuts, and conversations as they interacted with the other parents as well as giving encouragement to their children on the field. I can imagine the parents seated in the stands on the side lines all reminiscing about their past days of ball playing and most likely holding on to the dream that they once had of playing in the big leagues.

As I drove by this event I thought of the scene that is described in the book of Hebrews 12. Obviously the scene is not the exact same thing but the thought is ultimately identical.

In Hebrews 12 we have the scene of those on the field and those in the stands surrounding the field. Those on the field are being watched by those in the stands and I also sense those in the stands are shouting encouragement to those on the field. No, the ones in the stands may not be holding coffee cups or donuts but I believe you can catch the imagery described there in the opening verses of the chapter.

I can imagine Abraham shouting, “stay faithful.” King David encouraging, “stay strong!” Peter, James and John proclaiming, “stay connected and committed!” As well as Paul whispering, “stay protected!”

Each one of their lives is recorded in the Word of God for our encouragement and strength as they lived their lives for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ. Their purpose in life is the same for us today. Understanding that all we need to endure for Christ is already provided from the strength of the Holy Spirit who lives within us. We are equipped, encouraged and energized by the very power of God to live a life honoring for the person of God because we are the children of God. Now get out there and live! Remember, we are being watched. Grace to you all!

October 2016

On the day I received my new hip I was given instructions that warned me against doing certain things. I was not to be jumping or running or engaged in any activity that these two exercises would be prominent. For me this was no problem, I mean, come on….. It wasn’t like I was overly involved in these activities prior to surgery. This was not going to be an issue. Yet I was also warned about making sure I complete my exercises to strengthen my muscles around the new hip to aid in healing and strength.

As I relate this thought with what the Apostle Paul wrote, under the in-spiration of the Holy Spirit of God, in Ephesians 5:1-21 I am aware of 3 styles of walks that for some of us would not be a problem, but in all accounts, some-thing we must do to insure proper spiritual strength.

In Ephesians 5:1-7 we have what is called the “Walk in Love.” This spiritu-al exercise is highlighted by the fact of the type of Love Christ displayed for us in that “He gave Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” This type of walk is best displayed in a life style on how we relate to one another, especially when in our relating, are we really being a sweet-smelling aroma to God? Is my life really different from the picture Paul paints or is my life too close to what Paul describes as something that should not be “fitting for saints?”

Next we have what is called the “Walk in Light.” In verses 8-14 the apos-tle Paul contrasts the difference between darkness and light. To me this high-lights our walk as we live in and amongst the world. I know we are “in the world,” but in the same token “we are not to be of the world.” Our life is to be a light that exposes the unfruitful works of darkness not to be partakers of them. We are different, we are strangers, we are light and we are children of God. The world needs to see this as we walk.

Lastly, we have what is called the “Walk in Wisdom.” This walk is to fo-cus on pleasing God. We are told to “understand what the will of the Lord is.” In verses 15-21 we are told to sing and make melody in our heart, give thanks always for all things to God, and submit to one another in the fear of God. Stop and think about it! The very way we interact with each other is in many aspects the way we interact with God. Our “walks” are on display for all to see. How are we doing?

We have for us some instructions on what not to do and what we need to do. Let’s make sure we are exercising properly so our walk will be both a blessing to others as well as a testimony to God. Grace to you all.

September 2016

I begin this article with a statement. What I am about to write may cause you unrest and even anger, but I must share my heart with you. I am sure you are aware of the fact that this is an “election year.” Most of the news coverage has focused on this election as being an historical event, seeing one of the candidates is a female. Whether this is historical or not, what I see is even more historical or should I say alarming!

Have you noticed that for the first time in the election cycle both of the major candidates have not been open about any personal rela-tionship with God. In fact, from all the coverage that the news media has given, I have not heard anything from the lips of the candidates that would even give a slim indication that either one of them find God im-portant at all. To me this is an alarming situation.

The words of Jesus, recorded in Matthew 12:34, echo what I see as the major flaw in both candidates. Jesus said, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Knowing that the word of God is true and everlasting I really wonder what will happen to this country when God is no longer important in the lives of those who will ultimately hold the highest office in our government.

Certainly not to be totally surprised, our government has taken steps to exclude God from the very foundation upon which this country has been formed. “One nation under God,” “In God we trust,” and even in the Declaration of Independence the phrase, “being endowed from our Creator” has come under scrutiny of unbelieving hearts whose pas-sion is to erase all mention of God from the records.

2Timothy 3:1-5 gives a pretty clear picture of what might very well be the condition of this nation. But my heart breaks when I see those who claim Jesus as their Savior being involved with the list from 2 Timo-thy. If our relationship with Christ is viewed as not being very im-portant to believers, then how can we expect our government officials to act according to the principles of the Word of God?

This article may seem way off base but I had to at least write what is on my heart. Seek out the scriptures and be prepared to vote accord-ing to the Word of God. Grace to you all.

August 2016

“Never in my wildest dreams.” I am sure you have come across this cliché before, or you may even have spoken it once or twice yourself. This prolific statement is usually spoken during an event when we see something that we never saw before and in seeing we are caught in the realm of disbelief.

The other day I was taking Kona (you all know who she is, right?) out for a short walk in the yard when out of the corner of my eye I noticed something drop from one of the trees in the back yard. Thinking it might have been a squirrel, I really didn’t pay too much attention. Why should I, squirrels are known to climb trees and then jump out of them when perceived danger comes around the corner. Let’s face it, you’d jump from the tree if you saw a beautiful dog accompanied by an ugly man, wouldn’t you?

Anyway, back to the tree! What I did not notice at first was that what jumped out of the tree was not a squirrel but my “big buddy” the woodchuck that lives in the back field behind our house. Now when I say “big buddy” I mean a big woodchuck! You might remember, from a previous article, this is the one who stared down that skunk. Yeah, that one! This huge woodchuck lumbered as fast as it could for safety in the tall grass when Kona and I came around the corner.

Not in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought a woodchuck could climb trees. I never saw that before and if you would come up to me and tell me you saw a woodchuck climb a tree I might of rolled my eyes and said to myself, “Sure you did! That’s okay, you will be just fine.” Maybe some of you reading this article are even thinking this right now. “Sure pastor, you’ll be okay!”

I am glad there are things that God allows us to see that we have never seen before, some small things and some larger things. Yet, all in all, God is still amazing me with wonders beyond our wildest dreams. I am still amazed at the wonder of His love, the wonder of His presence, the wonder of what yet awaits us and the wonder of His creation. Our God is amazing.

“Beyond our wildest dreams?” not so much when we know and see the wonder of our God around us.

Grace to all.

July 2016

During one of my days, a few weeks ago, I was walking up from the church to the parsonage to get lunch, when I glanced up in the sky and saw a couple of turkey buzzards flying in their normal pattern, then once in a while one would dive to the ground and all of a sudden dart back up into the sky. I thought to myself this was an odd sight, until I got closer to the house and saw what was really happening.

From the top of my driveway I saw a doe chasing the turkey buzzards away each time one of them would dive to the ground. I never saw this before so I went up to the back deck of the house and watched for a while. Yep, each time those buzzards swept to the ground the doe would charge after it and would not back down. How odd, I thought to myself, that a doe would chase after buzzards. Until I noticed what was really happening.

The doe started to walk toward the hedge row and straggling behind her was a new born fawn. What a gorgeous sight to see this little fawn struggle to keep up with its mom yet all the time not realizing what the mom had already done for it. Pretty soon, the doe stopped and the fawn went to her and began to nurse to gain strength. Wow! I was truly blessed to see this event that day and to this day I was rewarded with a thought that has not left my mind.

How often do I not know how much my God has done for me in protecting me from the onslaught of my enemy? The hoards of darkness would like nothing more than to swoop down and take me prisoner from my master’s presence. Yet God, who is rich in mercy, watches over me and keeps me from that which I don’t even notice to happen around me. Thank you Lord.

Now each time I see a turkey buzzard circling in the sky, I am reminded of what that doe did to protect her young. I am also reminded of the lesson learned of how much God watches over me.

Oh, by the way, God does the same thing for you too. Isn’t He Awesome?

Grace to all

June 2016

This morning I read Isaiah 42:6 which says, “I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness. And (I) will hold your hand,”

Have you felt the need to be comforted and supported especially in these days? This verse reminds me of a caring parent who takes the hand of their child to help them walk those first steps, or to carefully cross the street busy with traffic, or even to hold the hand of that child when the child is either frightened or ill in the night. In each situation comfort and support are afforded to the child by the caring parent.

God is like that! His tender hand holding our hand is what gets us through the most dangerous and frustrating days. God’s hand holding our hand leads and directs our path as well as our reaction to those events that cause us despair.

One day during my driving of my autistic children bus run, Jake was in the back of the bus securely strapped in his seat belt, yet, for some reason he was not having a very good ride to school. Something was really upsetting him and my words alone, “it’s okay Jake. We will soon be to school” just didn’t seem to calm him. I took a few moments, parked the bus in a very safe place and I went back to see if Jake was hurt. In his own way of communication Jake looked up at me and reached for my hand as if saying, “please let me feel your hand of safety so I won’t be afraid anymore!” I took his little hand and calmly held it and spoke the same words I shared earlier, “It’s okay Jake.” Jake calmed down and smiled at me as if to say, “Thanks for caring.”

God is like that! Just when life on the bus seems to overwhelm us even though we are safely buckled in by the righteousness of Christ, we still have those moments of crying out for some sense of safety and care. Lo and behold, God takes our hand and whispers to our hearts, “I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand.”

Wow what a great moment to pause and say, “Thank you God for your care. God’s grace and His presence is enough to make the ride of this life secure to reach our final destination.

Grace to you all.

May 2016

During my time of re-cooperation from my surgery, I watched the Masters Golf Tournament on the television. I really enjoy watching the tournament, not so much of the player’s skills though they are pretty good, but I really enjoy seeing the beauty of the course. The brightly colored flowers, the pristine manicured greens and of course, you guessed it, the skillful mowing of the fairways. This event is just beautiful.

But this year I was intrigued by an interview that was aired during the Friday coverage. The interview was held between a sports announcer and one of the younger players. The interview centered around an event during the few days prior to the golf tournament in which there is a formal dinner hosted for all the participants. This one young golfer spoke of what impressed him the most about that dinner event. He said, “I was intrigued to hear the stories of the “old” golfers telling of their days when they were able to play yet are no longer able because father time has taken away their youth.”

What impressed me the most about this interview was that this young golfer, who is very successful in his own right, sat quietly to listen and learn from those who went before him to establish their own mark in the sport of golf, and maybe, learn a few secrets that he could employ in his own playing to make himself better.

A thought came to my mind, “What a wonderful idea! to sit and listen to those who have gone before us in order for us to live a more godly and successful Christian life.” To engage ourselves in conversation with a saint who has gone through something we are facing to learn and be encouraged by the grace of God that saw them through. I wonder what the potential would be for this kind of interaction? I can’t help but think how powerful this would be in the lives of our people at GCC.

Let’s try something on May 29th as we gather for a time of fellowship during the Sunday School hour, as we are sipping our coffee and eating our snack, ask someone to share with you an event in their life when they saw the glory of God work in a majestic way to bring about a life changing secret that has helped them to live a better life for Christ. I believe you will be amazed…

Grace To You All…

March 2016

Sometimes the anticipation of an event is just as much fun as the event itself. This is true in getting ready for Christmas, surprise birthday parties, and of course my favorite; LAWN MOWING!! Can you believe it, the snow is almost gone, it won’t be long before the buds of the trees will be poking out for their arrival, the blades of grass will begin to put on their nice green outfits, and of course, those dreaded weeds that people like to eat with hot bacon dressing on them, they also will be showing up. Anybody got any Roundup? From the shed in my back yard I can almost detect my mighty steed of a lawn tractor beginning to awaken from its wintery slumber. Boy, or boy, I can’t wait.

But there is something even more important than lawn mowing or weed eating coming in March! No I am not talking about March Madness. What is coming is the celebration of Resurrection Sunday and each year it comes, the anticipation of celebrating the events of that first Resurrection Sunday just never seem to get old.

The Scriptures remind us of the importance of this day as it relates to the faith of those who have trusted in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul, in writing to the church at Corinth, reminded them, and of course us today, that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very foundation of our faith. For without the Resurrection, our faith is vain and we are still in our sins, our gospel is dead and the proclamation of it is a lie, and those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.

Yet, so powerful is the Resurrection that our faith is alive, our gospel is the power of God and those who have fallen asleep in Christ will one day be raised incorruptible and we who are alive will be changed to immortal. Wow! It doesn’t get any better than this!

Yep, the celebration of Resurrection Sunday is coming on March 27th. Songs will be raised in praise of triumph, hearts will beat with excitement of anticipation, and our eyes will once again see the rising of the Sun in the east and wonder will enwrap our soul as we are engulfed in the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection.

Listen, can you hear it, the joy of anticipation is rising and preparing for celebration. Can’t wait! Grace to All!

February 2016

February 14th is traditionally celebrated as being Valentine’s Day. It is a day when candy and cards are usually purchased and then given to those whom we love.

Though we have heard it before yet the theme never gets old, “How deep the Father’s love for us!” Let me take this month’s article as a reflection upon God’s love for us by copying for you the words of a very familiar hymn that describes just how great God’s love is for us. The hymn title is “The Love of God” by Frederick M. Lehman.

The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell,

It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell;

The guilty pair, bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win:

His erring child He reconciled and pardoned from his sin.

When years of time shall pass away and earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,

When men, who here refuse to pray, on rocks and hills and mountains call,

God’s love so sure shall still endure, all measureless and strong;

Redeeming grace to Adam’s race the saints and angels’ song.

Could we with ink the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made,

Were every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade,

To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry,

Nor could the scroll contain the whole tho stretched from sky to sky.

O love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong!

It shall forever more endure the saints’ and angels’ song.

Happy Valentine’s Day… Everyday…. Grace to you all.

January 2016

The other day I began to think about entering another year of life. Daily we are faced with memories of the past year and anticipation for the coming year. The one thought that continually comes to my mind is this, “We are truly blessed by God.”

I have been blessed by God to witness His power of change coming over lives who desire to follow Him. They have gone from being satisfied with the nominal to now hungering for the Almighty.

I have been blessed by God to work with a leadership team of Elders and Deacons who are focused on doing what God desires us to do no matter what. It is refreshing to pray and minister with these men.

I have been blessed by God to have 2 of the best co-workers a Lead Pastor could ever want. Both Pastor Isaac and Dianne have been sources of encouragement, laughter and commitment to ministry that ultimately leads me in a deeper walk with my God.

I have been blessed by God to have a wonderful wife and family. This past year 3 more grandchildren have graced our family and I am honored to be a part of their lives. I have a help mate in my wife that keeps me directed and who teaches me the fundamentals of grace and love. O yes, I also have a new companion, her name is Kona.

I am blessed by God to have the privilege of standing before a great group of people called the congregation of Grace Community Church. Their lives are living testimonies of God’s grace and I am honored to be called “Pastor.”

To you this may seem more of a Thanksgiving article than a New Year’s article. Yet as I look back over the previous year and look forward to the next year, even with all its unknowns, I realize that what I have been blessed with is also what I desire to be continually blessed in the coming year. All I could ever ask for and desire is right before me each and every day. The blessings of God wrapped up in people who affect my life, and I can only hope I will affect theirs.

Grace To You

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