Relational Thanksgiving

Vicar Jon


Description:Vicar Jon preaches on Thanksgiving Eve using Luke 18:9-14 as his text. He focuses on the need for relationship for any true spirit of thanksgiving.

Wild Grapes, God's Judgement and Root of Hope

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve addresses Isaiah pronouncement that God will destroy the once fruitful vineyard in Isaiah 5 and the hope that comes from the root that will stem from the stump of Jesse (Isaiah 11). How the new king will usher in the peaceable kingdom where love and mercy will triumph fear.

Parental Love (and Anger)

Vicar Jon


Description:Vicar Jon explains the prophet Hosea and the seemingly angry God who abandons his chidlren as just like any parent who gets upset when their child hurts themselves or others. Yet undergirding all of this is the constant love of God who will not abandon his children.

Elijah's Contest with the Prophets of Baal on Consecration Sunday

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve on this Consecration Sunday reflects on the story of the contest of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18. Who are our false Gods that call us to worship them and how can we re-consecrate ourselves to worship the true living God in Jesus Christ?

Confirmands Reflections

2015 Confirmands


Description:We hear reflections on the confirmation process from the eight women and men who are affirming their baptism this morning.

Home is Wherever I am With You

Vicar Jon


Description:Vicar Jon reflects on the opening chapter of the Book of Ruth 1:1-17 and how like Ruth and Naomi, moving can be a challenge and can make it difficult to determine where home is.

The Law as a Gift

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve talks about Moses repeating of the law just before the second generation of those freed from slavery in Egypt were about to enter the promise the land. The importance of Moses saying the covenant was not with the ancestors but those who are alive. They were part of the story as we are even to this day -- the story of God's unmerited love for us. Why did God choose Israel and us today? Ultimately it is a matter of the heart.

Importance in a Name

Pr. Mark Donald


Description:Pastor Mark Donald, Director of Christikon Camp, was our guest preacher this Sunday and addressed the story in Exodus 1 and 3 of Moses asking for God's name and the importance of knowing the name of people.

Wrestling for a Blessing

Pastor Steve


Description:Today's sermon focuses on the story of Jacob wrestling with a man/angel/God on the bank of the Jabbok as he awaits meeting his estranged brother, Esau. Jacob insists on a blessing and Pastor Steve reflects on how we have been renamed and blessed by God and sent out to be a blessing. Pastor Steve concludes by suggesting one way we may be a blessing to others is to "Pray it Forward."

Mother Sarah has a Son

Vicar Jon


Description:Vicar Jon preaches on the story of God's promised of a son to Abraham and Sarah, focusing on the important (often overlooked) role that Sarah plays in this story and what we might learn from her laughter.

Make Me a Sanctuary

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve continues our study of the Book of Hebrews focusing on chapter 9:1-14 where Jesus is referred to as the new High Priest who makes the final sacrifice for us and opens a new path to God. No longer needing to follow detours to access God now we have a direct path and become a sanctuary ourselves.

The Jesus Collage

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve continues our series on the Book of Hebrews looking at the collage of four images presented in Hebrews 2:10-18. The images of Jesus as Pioneer, Brother, Liberator, and Great High Priest move to see him more clearly and sing "It is Well with my Soul."

A Legacy of Faith

Vicar Jon


Description:We begin our new series looking at the Book of Herbrews. Vicar Jon gives an introduction to the book and discusses the legacy of faith we have recieved: A legacy filled with both challenges and perserverance.

Love and Passion: Gifts from a Loving God

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve concludes our series on the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament looking at two passages from the Song of Solomon This is the first time that he has ever preached on texts from the Song of Songs which describeds the passionate love bertween a couple.

Reflections from the National Youth Gathering

Detroit Delegation


Description:We hear from our delegation that went to Detroit for the 2015 ELCA National Youth Gathering. They share their experiences and how this event impacted their lives. Sorry for the banding in this video but it is a new problem that just arose and we didn't have an opportunity to address it before the service today.

Return to Wisdom's Table

Vicar Jon


Description:Vicar Jon continues our series on the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament as we conclude our look at the Book of Proverbs. He focuses on the choice between following Woman Wisdom or Madam Folly in chapters 9 and 10.

The Call of Wisdom

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve speaks on Proverbs chapter 8 where wisdom is personified as woman that is calling us to follow her. In verses 22-23 we hear how God created wisdom before the creation of the world and it was present at the creation. But what is "wisdom" and do we seek it today? How is wisdom different from education? Who is someone you would call "wise"?

In God We Trust

In God We Trust


Description:Pastor Steve begins a five-week series on books of Wisdom in Old Testament: Proverb, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon.We begin with a reading from Proverbs chapters 1 and 3. What does it mean that Wisdom is seen as image for God and that we called to trust God above everything? Our currency has on it "In God we Trust" but what woudl our lives look like if we really did that?

Israel's Great Confession of Faith

Pastor Tim Spring


Description:Pastor Tim concludes our series on Creeds as he preaches on the great confession-like statement of Israel found in Deuteronomy 6:1-9. In Hebrew called Shema, "Hear O Israel the Lord is our God, the Lord alone." These words are delivered by Moses just before the enter the promise land.

Living Rightly with God

Dick Deschamps


Description:Dick Deschamps, our guest preacher this morning is a long time active member of Hope Lutheran Church and a candidate in the Lay Pastoral Associate Prorgram of our Montana Synod. He continues on summer series on Creeds and addresses the text from 1 Peter 3:8-17.

Church Conflict 101

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve preaches about the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) and how important this story is for the life of church. He suggests that it faces the truth that there has always been conflict within the Christian community but it was not always divisive when the unity of Church was keep in the forefront.

Biblical Creeds

Rev. Carol Ramseth


Description:Guest preacher The Rev. Carol Ramseth addresses the text of 1 John 5:1-4 which begins our four-week series on CREEDS.

Spirit of Pentecost

Kayla Billings


Description:Kayla preaches on Penetecost Sunday adrdressing the texts of Acts 2:1-4 and Romans 8:18-39.

Resurrection Life

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve reflects on having attended the Festival of Homiletics and Romans 6:1-14 calling us to have faith in the resurrection.

God's Unilateral Love

Kayla Billings


Description:Kayla continues our series on the book of Romnans looking at Romans 5:1-10. That Faith is a relationship with God that takes us to do our part. Hope is central to our belief that God has indeed justified us as gift. We appropriate that gift through faith. "You are Mine" as the hymn proclaims that God's love is unconditional and unilateral.

I Am Not Ashamed

Pastor Steve


Description:This is a first of three-part series preaching from Paul's Letter to the Church at Rome. Pastor Steve makes introductory comments and then zeros in on verse 16-17 which many feel is the thesis statement for the whole book. How can we today proclaim that too are ashamed of the Good News?

Relationship as Mission

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve talks about Paul and Barnabas' mission trip to Lystra in Acts 13 and 14. He reflects on his own ordination and his installation service where he is set apart but "among us." He closes reflecting on the importance of worship to maintain the relationship we have with God.

Moving the Fence

Pastor George Karres


Description:Pastor George Karres who is the Director of Evangelical Mission for the Montana Synod was our guest preacher this Sunday. Pastor Geroge preached on Peter's dream and the inclusion of the Cornelius and his family in the Christian Community and challenged us love beyond our boundaries.

Go Make Disciples

Kayla Billings


Description:We have arrived at the end of the Gospel of Matthew. Kayla addrsses what has been called Jesus' Creat Commission" in Chapter 28 where Jesus sends his disciples forth with authoirty to baptize and teach.

Practice Resurrection

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve's Easter sermon at Hope Lutheran Church in Bozeman, MT based on the story of the resurrection of Jesus that is found in Gospel of Matthew. The story that continues to send seismic shock waves throughout the world.

Reflections on the Seven Last Words of Christ

Pastor Steve and Kayla Billings


Description:Good Friday, Servcie of Shadows (Tenebrae) focus on the Seven Last Words of the Cross. Here are the reflections given by Pastor Steve and Kayla Billings.

A Meal is So Much More than Just Food

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve talks about the account of Jesus instituting The Lord's Supper as found in Matthew's Gospel. It was a Passover meal and so much more. Luther saying the two most important words of Communion is when the Pastor addresses each person with "the Body of Christ FOR YOU" and "the Blood of Christ shed FOR YOU."

Introduction to the Passion According to Matthew

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve introduces the Passion reading from the Gospel of Matthew pointing out some of the unique features of Matthew's version of the Passion of Our Lord. The Passion reading is available in PDF format below.

Goaty Sheep

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve speaks on what has been referred to "The Judgment of the Nations" parable found only in Matthew 25:31-46. Who sheep? Who are goats? What does it mean that this parable is addressed to the "nations'? What will judgment be like?


Kayla Billings


Description:Kayla talks about the difficulty of being prepared when we don't know what we are waiting for but also talks about the importance of sticking it out. After all, if you leave you are sure to miss the big event.

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet: An Ugly Parable!

Pastor Steve


Description:Matthew's version of the Parable of the Wedding banquet has been described by many and just an ugly parable. There is so much violence and the appearance of little mercy. It is a judgement parable and what are we do it with today. And what about the poor guy at the end who gets thrown out of party because he is wearing the right clothes? Pastor Steve struggles with the parable and present a possible way of seeing God's grace can still win the day.

It's Not Fair!

Kayla Billings


Description:Kayla preaches on the Parable of the Vineyard Workers and how life often just doesn't seem fair. More so, she talks about how we are all blessed to be loved by a generous God who is willing to give us what we need not because it is fair but because it is a necessity.

When Forgiveness is Just Hard

Pastor Steve


Description:The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant is the basis for Pastor Steve's look at forgiveness and admit that it can cause a real struggle when confronted with a group like ISIS. He uses the story of Corrie Ten Boom forgiving a former prison guard she had in a concentration camp, a pastor's blog post dealing wthi his struggle with the Gospel and call to love our enemies when confronted with a group like ISIS, and the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was a pacifist and yet helped with a plot to kill Adolf Hitler.

A Lenten Call to Humility

Kayla Billings


Description:Jesus confronts the questions of "who is the greatest" and we remember how that is often our question too. Kayla reflects on how Jesus responds and holds up the characteristic of humilty as being the true mark of greatest.

Transfiguration: Religion & Science

Pastor Tim Spring


Description:On the Sunday when we recall Jesus transfiguration and the tenth anniversary of Evolution Weekend, Pastor Tim speaks on the age old conflict between religion and science suggesting that we have now arrived at point in our evolution of understanding and fath that we can see the "Cosmic Christ" and how sciene and religion can not only work together but support each other. Texts: Colassians 1:15-23 and Matthew 16:24-17:8

Walking on Water and Feeding 5000 as Signs of Compassion

Kayla Billings


Description:Kayla looks at two of Jesus miracles as recorded in the Gospel of Matthhew, Calling Peter to get out of the boat and walk on water, and the feeding of five thosands. While these are amazing miaacles what Kayla finds intriguing is how they show the compassion of Christ and how the call of compassion also extends to all of us.

Prayer and Treasures the Don't Rust

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve looks at Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray and what it means to orient one's life toward treasures in heaven.

Living with Temptation

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve reflects upon the story of Jesus facing the devil and his temptation in the wilderness in the Gospel of Matthew. Turning aside pious calls to just resist temptation, he sees the primary question being of identity, Jesus as Son of God, and us as beloved children of God.

Baptism of Our Lord

Kayla Billings


Description:Today we look at what it means to change your life. In the early part of this text we hear John the Baptist tell us to "repent for the kingdom of heaven is near." However, in the world that we live in today, these words may be confusing, so we instead look at it from a more modern perspective.

Magi Myths

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve looks at the story in Matthew 2 of the visit of the magi. How much of the story we know is really Biblical? Why did Matthew include this story and how does it show the in-breaking of the Kingdom of God? He concludes with a challenge for the congregation in 2015.

Who Would Send a Baby?

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve looks at the famous Christmas Gospel from Luke 2 asking us to see the miracle that happened when God took on human flesh and promises that the incarnation continues in each believer. At the end of the sermon Nancy sings the inspiration song "Who Would Send a Baby?"

Bruised Reeds Seeking Justice

Pastor Steve


Description:Pastor Steve reflects on Isaiah 42:1-9 where the suffering servant reminds us of the covenant we are to the nations and to be working for justice. What does justice mean for us today with Ferguson, Staten Island, Cleveland, and reports on torture? This sermon was delivered on what had been named "Solidarity Sunday" a Sunday to stand with those who believe black lives matter.

Esther: What My Mother Told Was Wrong!

Pastor Steve


Description:The story of Esther is the background for the Jewish festival of Purim. Pastor Steve explores this story and how it might have an important Advent message for us. One that actually contradicts what his mother taught him but perhaps is word a word for in time just as this.

Christ the King Sunday

Kayla Billings


Description:Kayla talks about the prophet Jeremiah, his call and his famous sermon given at the temple in the context of the liturgical church's final Sunday of the church year: Christ the King Sunday.