Freedom From Hate

Royal Farris


Description:How do we change all the hate and anger in our world? It starts with is.

Pray In Jesus Name

Royal Farris


Description:I prayed in Jesus' name. Why didn't my prayer get answered?

Distorted Truth - Misused Verses of The Bible

Royal Farrir


Description:Distorted truth is not necessarily deceitful. Most of the time, it is just ignorance of context.

The Love That Kills

Royal Farris


Description:It goes from like, to love, to need, to obsession. It takes over your life.

How To Be A Forever Valentine

Royal Farris


Description:Opposites attract. That's what we love. That's the cause of our relational problems. There is one question for the man, and one question for the woman, that if it is answered correctly can produce immediate positive mariatal results.

How To Be Confident Always

Royal Farris


Description:If you focus on honoring God with your words you will improve your heart. While improving your heart you will obtain wisdom.Wisdom from God will give you confidence in every situation.

We Encourage Risk

Royal Farris


Description:I love my church . Faith is a risk, and we encourage risk.

Why I Love My Church

Royal Farris


Description:A loving church family serving and worshiping God together is the place you will lmost experience God.

Get Power From Your Past

Royal Farris


Description:Don't let your past hold you back. Your past will always be there. You have to decide to get power from your past.

Can I Be Too Bad For Christmas?

Royal Farris


Description:You can never be too bad for God. Grace is His Character.

The Most Practical Gift

Royal Farris


Description:Do you ever get gifts that are not practical, not useable, you don't even like them? There is a gift we get with Christmas that is the most practical gift.

Can You See Your Faith?

Royal Farris


Description:If you have to have faith to please God, do you know what faith looks like?

A Simple Love Test

Royal Farris


Description:In part 6 of Next Level Faith from The Book of James ... Janes writes that their is a way to tell if your love and your faith is real.

God Uses Regular People

Royal Farris


Description:God wants to use you, the way you are, to do His work.

Don't Be Fooled By Your Religion

Royal Farris


Description:If you are just going through religios motions you are fooling yourself and your faith will never go to the Next Level

Trouble From Within

Royal Farris


Description:Most of our troubles come from within.You have to deal with the heart problems to fix the problems.

Winning Through The Hard Times

Royal Farris


Description:Be confident that trials will take your faith to the next level faith.

All Christian All The Time

Royal Farris


Description:All Christians want to take their faith to another level. This is an introduction to "Next Level Faith" - The Book of James.You can take your faith to the next level.

Is Christianity Too Narrow?

Royal Farris


Description:Most religions teach that getting to heaven or to a better “life after death” is a matter of being a good person or following certain precepts or commands.

Why God Allows Pain Suffering?

Royal Farris


Description:A sign of maturity is being able to look back on the pain in your life and see the growth, the strength, the courage, the faith and the blessings that emerged.

Is There A God?

Royal Farris


Description:Some people reject God. They want scientific proof.There is evidence of God’s existence.But it takes faith to believe. God demands faith.

Does Life Have A Purpose?

Royal Farris


Description:Love and purpose are two of the basic needs of every human. You were born driven to meet those needs.As physical beings we seek unsuccessfully to have those needs met in the physical world.

How To Fail and Be Successful

Royal Farris


Description:The difference in an average person and a successful one is the way they view failure.

Be The Difference

Royal Farri


Description:If you want to change the world, you have to "Be The Difference". People don't care homw much you know till they know how much you care.

Develop Patience

Royal Farris


Description:Patience is not just the ability to wait.

Life Hack Kindness

Royal Farris


Description:Is your kindness real. If you are truly kind you will have positive thinking.

Life Hacks For Positive Thinking

Royal Farris


Description:Five Reasons For An Attitude of Gratitude1. You are a person of great value.2. You are unconditionally loved.3. You are forgiven … Guilt free4. You don’t have to worry, God is in charge.5. You have a greater purpose in life than you can imagine.

How To Have Spiritual Prosperity

Royal Farris


Description:Biblically, spiritual prosperity is not about how much money or how big of a house you have. Spiritual prosperity is is having a good life in whatever life situation you are in because your peace is on the inside produced by your faith.

How To Conquer Fear

Royal Farris


Description:Fear impairs your spiritual hearing and strangles the life out of you.

Oh God Please Fix Me

Royal Farris


Description:From Psalm 51We can see from King David at the darkest time in his life. Nop matter how far you get away from God, He can fix it.

Life Of Devotion 101

Royal Farris


Description:You can tell when a man is devoted to a woman. Can you tell if someone is devoted to God?

Don't Wait To Leave Your Legacy

Royal Farris


Description:Are you living out the legacy you want to leave behind?Start now.

Grace Misunderstood

Royal Farris


Description:We learn at an early age to earn the approval of others. We naturally seek God's approval .... Grace says we don't have to earn God's approval. We can't earn God's approval. It's a gift through Jesus.

Impress For Success

Royal Farris


Description:Most people agree that your first impression is important. According to Scripture, God says all of our impressions are important. Five ways to Impress for Success....

Want to Be Sincere? Consider Jesus

Royal Farris


Description:Some people say it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.It's not even possible to be sincee without being made sincere by the only person who ever has been sincere.

She Is Worthy Of Love

Royal Farris


Description:This is a Mother's Day message for all women.Women want more than anything to be loved. There is a way to love that is greater than what you say or do. It's an attitude that is experienced as love.

The Miracle That Got Jesus Crucified

Royal Farris


Description:They were hoping that the ministry of Jesus would just fade away. Then he performed the miracle that forced them to crudify him.

Be Courageous I Am Here

Royal Farris


Description:Troubles are just a part of life.Get your courage from a relationship with Jesus.He is there with you all the time.

Blind No More

Royal Farris


Description:Some people are born blind while others choose to not see.

First Miracle Pointed The Way

Royal Farris


Description:Jesus' first miracle was turning the water into wine. It pointed the way to his mission and started the clock to Calvary.

Jesus Makes All Things Possible

Royal Farris


Description:The resurrection is the miracle that makes all things possible. It is the miracle that miraculously changings people into new people.

Are You A Good Neighbor?

Royal Farris


Description:Are you a good neighbor? How should you handle your bad neighbors? Jesus said you can tell how devoted you are to God by your neighborinf skills.

Choose Contentment

Royal Farris


Description:Are you content? It really is a choice, an attitude. People choose many things to find contentment. They don't work. We know of many millionaires who thought money would bring contentment. There are choices that are guaranteed to give you a peaceful contented attitude.

Battle Ready

Royal Farris


Description:Most Americans believe in angels, only about half believe in the devil. If you believe the Bible you know there is a constant spiritual battle going on -- Over us.

Five Things Every Christian Should Know

Royal Farris


Description:Ever have doubts or lack confidence in your faith? Here are five things you need to know that will help.