EXPRESS: Where the Heart Is

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Lydia is a New Testament VIP. Her story represents a turning point in the advancement of the gospel. Her example inspires each of us that one of our best ministry resources is our own home. Download your notes below.

EXPRESS: Blessed to Bless

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Keep the faith! This time tomorrow it may all be different if your God intervenes in love and grace. It's literally true that you never know how God is going to intervene. Here's the story of four men between who were out of options and has resigned themselves to death only to find that God has already provided for their need - with abundance! They were blessed to be a blessing.

EXPRESS: God's Provision

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Pastor Woody looks at one of the most famous passages in the Bible and God's self-revelation as "The Lord who Provides." God is a giver. When He sees someone who shares his heart for giving to benefit others, He responds with supply. Listen in and get your notes below.

EXPRESS: Kingdom Multiplication

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:God is ready to muliply your influence for the sake of the gospel. How does that happen? One of the most familiar stories in the bible - the fish and the loaves - illustrates this amazing miracle of kingdom multiplication. Your notes can be downlaoded below.

EXPRESS: 3 Resolutions

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:One man, two verses, three resolutions that set you free to express your faith with confidence and authenticity. This positivbe message by Pastor Woody contains the three resolutions that open the door to success in almost any endeavor but especially in the expression of your faith with authenticity. Get your notes at the link below.

Faith for the Valley

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Trouble will come. Jesus said it would. It's a fact of life. Is your faith strong enough to walk through the valley? Find out how to build faith that can endure troubled time. See notes below.

Mountain Moving Faith

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Jesus said that you can say to a mountain be picked up and thrown into the sea - and if you don't doubt but believe - it will happen. Wow. Really? What exactly is mountain-moving faith? Why don't we use it - or see it in action? All of this and more as Pastor Woody teaches on the master key of Faith. Notes below.

Faith: The Master Key

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:God's heart is to bless. It's who He is. What key opens His storehouse of blessings? Faith! See the master key of faith in use in a compelling event in the life of Jesus. Discover how you too can use the master key to open God's richest blessings for your life. Download your notes below.

I D Statement

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:You have a unique identitity as a follower of Jesus Christ! It is unlike those who are not followers. Three powerful facerts of that identity are presented in this message by Pastor Woody. Dowload your notes below, follow along and share.

Spirit Life: Walking in the Spirit

Josh Riedy


Description:Learn what the Bible means when it says to walk in the Spirit instead of gratifying your flesh.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Controversial in some circles, these grace gifts empower you to manifest the person and presence of the Lord to the church to the world. Download your notes and follow along as Pastor Woody speaks on Gifts of the Spirit.

SPIRIT LIFE How the Spirit Leads

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The Holy Spirit leads true followers of Jesus... but how? How does the Holy Spirit exert His leadership in our lives. And if I think He is leading, speaking ... how can I be sure? Download your notes and follow along in part two of "Led by the Spirit."

SPIRIT LIFE Where Spirit Leads

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The Holy Spirit leads believers in Jesus. In fact, the book of Romans says that all believers are led by the Spirit. But if the Holy Spirit is leading my life, to where is He leading me! The first part of the answer is found here as Pastor Woody continues in the Spirit Life series.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The fruit manifested in the life of a spirit-filled follower of Jesus as described in Galatians 5. Paul describes the fruit in contrast to the works of the flesh. Pastor Woody showes two powerful application points in this passage. Download your notes and listen in.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The Filling with the Holy Spirit. What's the difference? And what practical impact does the filling of the Holy Spiirt have on my life? These and other questions are answered by Pastor Woody in this message based on Ephesians 5:18, " filled with the Holy Spirit."


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Jesus promised his disciples that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit. But why? Who is the Holy Spirit and what is the filling of the Holy Spirit? Disccover the amazing resources made available to every believer by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Jamaica Mission Team report

various speakers


Description:The Lifepointe Jamaica Mission Team reports on a successful week of mission at two churches in Jamaica.

DUALITY: Light and Jesus

Youth Pastor Josh Riedy


Description:The nature of light ad the nature of Jesus have some things in common. Listen to learn what they are.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The big finish in the book of Proverbs! Six areas of wisdom for everyday living... one of which can change your famiy's finances in a big way!


Pastor Woody Cumbie Dr Marcus Warner


Description:Proverbs has clear and unmistakable wisdom on healthy and unhealthy sexual expression. Pastors Woody Cumbie and Dr Marcus Warner tag-team this sermon with Pastor Woody addressing Proverbs on adultery and Dr Warner presenting the snare of online pornography.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The Book of Proverbs has a lot to say about money and how to use it. Here are just some of the principles we can glean from this book.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Inspired counsel on successful living written and compiled by a king. Here are the keys to unlocking this practical guide to effective living. Download your notes below.

The Potter and the Clay

Youth Pastor Josh Riedy


Description:Learn from these illustrations how God shapes us to become more like Jesus.


Pastor Woody Cumbie and guests


Description:How do you share the hope of the gospel in today's skeptical world? Hear first hand testimonies of those who are effectively sharing in their unique contexts. Hear the stories of "everyday people" who seize the opportunities to advance the faith. You will be inspired by what you hear! Download your notes below. Listen and share.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Seven destiny altering encounters can happen as you worship. Gain vital insight into these blessings as Pastor Woody teaches on the remarkable open vision experienced by Isaiah the prophet.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Growing in faith and finding spiritual success is not complicated: just practice five disiplines on a regular basis. What five? Those are revealed in the "Discipleship Star." This seond in the Discipleship Star series focuses on the life-giving, life-transforming power of God's Word. Download your notes below.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Heaven is open to the prayers of followers of Jesus. Your Lord loves to hear your voice! Pastor Woody reveals revelation into the 5 Levels of Prayer. Download your notes below.

He is Risen!

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:"He is Risen!" The largest three word announcement in history! To which there are only three responses. All three manifest almost immediately following Jesus' resurrection. These three responses are still given today. Pastor Woody does a verse by verse look at the resurrection account in Luke then reveals the three responses: each of which is life-changing and destiny-altering.

Turning Point: His Story

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Jesus died on the cross. According to a gospel account, four things happened at that moment. One of the four, uniquely reported by Matthew, rips apart centuries of tradition and opens a new and living way into the presence of God. Download your notes below and listen in on this insightful message.

Turning Point: Your Story

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The turning point in Peter's story points the way to a turning point in your story. Discover the confession and the decision that can change your destiny as Pastor Woody goes verse by verse through Mark 8:27-38

The Grand Finale

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The Best is Yet to Come! It's more than a saying - it's real for every true follower of Jesus. Peter lived, and was soon to die, in a time and place of great persecution against Christians. Though he would soon be martyred for his faith in Jesus, he was confident in his own future and the future God has planned for all who love the Lord.

Living with the End in Mind

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The Apostle Peter holds back nothing in describing the fury of God's wrath but Peter also holds out both a hope and challenge for all followers of Jesus. Don't miss this graphic depiction of the final moments of earth and how we should live in light of these truths.

Warning to the Church

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:You can be ripped off in church. Somebody should have told you sooner. The Apostle Peter, just before his death, made sure that churches under his care understood that false teachers would inevitably come into even the best congregations. He shows you how to spot them and graphically depicts their ultimate demise.Download your notes below.

2 Peter 1:12-21 Until the Day Dawns

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:How do you know for sure? How do you know that Christianity is true, that the bible is true, that heaven is real? The Apostle Peter has the answers in this powerful passage of scripture. Download your notes and follow along as Pastor Woody opens the Word of God for you.

2 Peter 1:3-11 Faith Supplements

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:We serve a generous God! His supply for our lives is unending and beyond sufficident. Yet every believer is challenged to go further, grow taller in the faith. Pastor Woody unpacks a powerful and encouraging passage from the last letter written by the first apostle. Get your notes below and grow!

2 Peter 1:1-2 Grace and Peace Multiplied

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:"Old School Exposition" marks this start to the study of 2 Peter by Pastor Woody. You'll relive the amazing life of Simon Peter, get an overview of this "last word from the first apostle," and be surprised by all that is revealed in just a few words of introduction. Download your notes below and follow along.

Saved and Secure

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Is it possible for you to lose your salvation? Pastor Woody tells his own experience with this question and leads you through the texts of scripture which gave him assurance. Download your notes below. You may know a friend who needs to hear this encouraging message.

RE: fresh

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Every believer experiences times which seem spiritually dry. Are you there now? Jesus is the refreshment every soul needs. Pastor Woody continues the RE: series with a focus on the REfreshment and REstoration that come from the Lord and biblical gate into both. Download your notes below.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Technical difficulties resulted in slight hum on this recording. Pastor Woody opens a new series titled RE. This message focusses on Biblical Community - the New Testament standard for life among believers. Download your notes below and discover four marks of Biblical Community.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Commission of the Nicaragua Mission Team + a sermon about the role of Elders + the ordaniation of a new elder, Jim VarnHagen

Gifts of Christmas - Miracles!

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:What's the biggest miracle in the Bible? What exactly is a miracle and what is the point of miracles? Does God still do miracles today? Surprisingly, the answers are found in New Testament account of the birth of Jesus - the first Christmas. Download your notes below.

Gifts of Christmas - Sight!

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Do you see what I see? It's a good question posed in one of our favorite Christmas songs. Some saw the Star of Bethlehem and some didn't. Some saw the angel choir and some didn't. It turns out that one of God's gifts at the first Christmas was the gift of sight. To this day, some can "see it" and some can't when it comes to spiritual realities. Discover why in this second in the Gifts of Christmas series. Download your notes below.

Thankfulness of Jesus

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:The Bible teaches us to be thankful in all things. But of all things, what was Jesus' thankful for and what can we learn from his example? You may be shocked to find that Jesus was thankful in the midst of doubt, death and sorrow. There is much to learn from the thankfulness of Jesus.


Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:You've heard of the anointing. What is it? Who has it? What do you do because of it? Pastor Woody searches the Old and New Testament texts to reveal the tranforming effect of anointing. Download your notes and follow along.

For Such a Time as This

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:This electon cycle has been ... should we say different? The question is, "who should we be" as followers of Jesus at this moment. Pastor Woody takes us to a pivotal passage in the book of Esther in which she is challenged with this question, "Who knows but what you have come into the kingdom for such a time as this?" Download your notes and listen in on this timely message.

Classic Christianity Life on Mission

Dr. Marcus Warner


Description:The last message in the "Classic Christianity" series is given by Dr. Marcus Warner. He talks about ministry and missions.

Classic Christianity Prayer Enabled

Pastor Woody Cumbie


Description:Powerful prayer fueled the expansion of the early Church. Once again today we need to find the life-giving connection to God that Jesus promised that we could have in prayer. Discover how praryer increases intimaacy with God and the healing which only the Lord can bring. Download your notes below.