The Call of Christ

Mark 1:16-20


Description:Jesus called the disciples, and they left all they had and followed him. The call of Christ today is the same as it was then: leave your old life and follow Jesus.TBQ: What is a disciple—Are you a disciple?

The Enduring Message

Mark 1:14-15


Description:The message of the gospel has not changed. Repent and believe was the cry of Jesus when he began his ministry and it continues to be the message of his church today.TBQ: Have you given your life to Christ?

Through the Fire

Mark 1:12-13


Description:The Spirit of God drove Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted and tried. Jesus’ ministry began in the wilderness. He proved his mettle there.TBQ: What does Jesus’ testing mean for us?

Three in One

Mark 1:9-11


Description:In the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, we are given a glimpse into the trinitarian relationship of the godhead. TBQ: Why is God’s affirmation of Jesus important?

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Mark 1:1-8


Description:John knew that the people needed more than his teaching and preaching. They needed power from on high. John’s message was good, but Jesus’ message would be powerful.TBQ: Do we welcome the Holy Spirit?

The Beginning of the Gospel

Mark 1:1-8


Description:The gospel began, before the arrival of Jesus on the scene. So too, the task of evangelism begins with pre-evangelism.TBQ: Are you laying groundwork to share the gospel?

God is My Shepherd

Genesis 48:15-16 and Psalm 23


Description:The Lord is transcendant and powerful, but he is also imminent, loving, and tender. He is a good shepherd.

The God Who Provides

Genesis 22:1-14


Description:He is almighty, but he also provides for his children. The provision of a ram in place of Abraham’s son is a sign-post pointing toward the great provision of Christ.

The Everlasting God

Genesis 21:22-34


Description:Why does God's eternality matter?

Cultivating Contentment

Philippians 4:10-13


Description:Often this passage gets reduced to a self-help sermon based around verse 13, but there is much more here. Paul has learned to be content because Jesus is enough. Christ has filled up all of his need. At thanksgiving, we should be thankful for all of God’s blessings, but most thankful for Christ’s salvific provision.TBQ: Have you found contentment?

Anxious for Nothing

Philippians 4:1-9


Description:The answer to anxiety is trust. We often try to overcome worry and anxiety by dealing with each issue, but according to the Scripture, we overcome worry and anxiety by seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven.TBQ: What are you running after?

To the Glory of God Alone

1 Corinthians 10:23-31


Description:God alone is worthy of all glory and it is God’s intent to glorify himself. The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. There is no higher good. God is right in desiring this because He alone is the highest good in the universe.

Through Christ Alone

Colossians 1:15-20


Description:There is no other name given under heaven by which man must be saved.TBQ: Why is Jesus the only way?

Through Faith Alone

Ephesians 2:1-10


Description:God’s grace brings about the response of faith in our lives. Though some view salvation monergistically and others synergistically, all agree that both grace and faith are necessary components of salvation. Faith is the proper response to God’s grace.TBQ: Do you have faith?

By Grace Alone

Ephesians 2


Description:We are saved by grace. The sole work of God in our lives, not by works. God alone made a way for us to be saved in Christ and God alone provides the grace necessary for us to be saved.TBQ: What is grace?

By Scripture Alone

2 Timothy 3:16-17


Description:The Bible is the record of God’s saving works of mankind. Every word of it proves true and it is essential for the salvation of sinners.TBQ: How do you view the Bible?

The Shepherd Leader

1 Peter 5


Description:What is a pastor?

Christian Love

1 Peter 4


Description:The Christian life is to be characterized by love for God and neighbors. In this passage Peter spells out some particular acts of love that believers should practice for each other. In what ways are you loving the church?

A Ready Defense

1 Peter 3


Description:Are you ready to defend your beliefs?

A Life of Apology

1 Peter 2


Description:Is your life a defense for the gospel?

The Fruit of Your Salvation

The Fruit of Your Salvation


Description:When you squeeze a lemon, you get lemon juice. When you squeeze a Christian, you should get Jesus. Those who have been born again in Christ are also changed. They are called to holiness.TBQ: Are you being sanctified?

Family Heritage

Proverbs 13:22


Description:TBQ: Are you leaving a Christian heritage for your children?

Tough Love

Proverbs 23:12-15


Description:Discipline is not a bad word. When we speak of self-discipline people view it as a positive attribute. Willingness to discipline our children is a positive attribute as well. It shows we love them. TBQ: Do you love your children enough to discipline them?

The Only Way

John 14:1-6


Description:The Gideons International distributes Bibles all around the world. Ed Wright shares about God's work through Bible distibution.

Drink Your Own Water

Proverbs 5:1-23


Description:Adultery is a temptation for all married people and fornication is a temptation for unmarried people. The Bible commands us to avoid both sins and the Proverbs urge us to avoid even the temptation to of adultery.TBQ: How are you guarding your purity?

Who Will Go?

Isaiah 6:1-8


Description:The big question: Who will go?Tolbert Commissioning Service

Love Language

Proverbs 4:24, 10:11


Description:There is a special language of love. It is the language that avoids foolishness, crooked speech, and deviousness. The language of love builds up and does not tear down. James says the tongue is powerful. This is especially true in the family.TBQ: Are you loving your family through your words?

Serving God with your Stuff

Proverbs 10:16


Description:The earnings of the godly enhance their lives, but evil people squander it on sin. How are you using your stuff (money, possessions, time) to serve the Lord and expand his Kingdom? How have you used your stuff to serve others?TBQ: Are you a servant to your stuff or is your stuff a tool for God’s service?

The Wisdom of Gray Hair

Proverbs 20:29


Description:There is much to be said about young love, but it is mature love that stands the test of time. Honor those who have gone ahead of you in marriage, learn from them. Leaders in the Bible had mentors. We need marriage mentors to disciple us along the way. NOTE: Because of a power outage, this sermon was recorded onto an iPhone. Please excuse any audio problems.

Becoming the Perfect Wife

Proverbs 31:10-31


Description:The woman described in Proverbs 31 is loved by her children and trusted by her husband. Wives, your goal as a wife (over your lifetime) is to honor God, care well for your husband and care well for your children. Your goal is not to live up to the standards of others, only the standards of your family.TBQ: Are you the woman God has called you to be?

A Place to Hide

Proverbs 14:26


Description:In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge. A father who fears the Lord leads his family well and the leading provides a place of security for his children. TBQ: Fathers, do your children see you as rock of security and safety?

The Grand Finale

Psalm 119:169-176


Description:The Psalmist ends the Bible’s longest chapter with a word of trust, not one of victory. He prays not for the Lord to give him glory, but for the Lord to seek him out when he goes astray. When all has been said we cast ourselves upon the Lord’s grace and mercy.TBQ: Do you trust in God’s grace?

The Awesome Word

Psalm 119:161-168


Description:The love for God's word comes as a result of our love for the Lord and our appreciation for his word. The Psalmist stood in awe of God's word; he was amazed by its construction and power. Do you stand in awe of God's word?

Give Me Life!

Psalm 119:153-160


Description:What gives you life?The sum of God's Word is truth. Remember His promises, His rules, and His streadfast love.

Are You Building Bridges?

Psalm 71


Description:Are you building bridges that lead others to Christ?

Alive and Well

Romans 5:10


Description:Jesus died on the cross to reconcile men and women to God. He rose from the dead to regenerate men and women to live. You must come by faith.What does it mean to be reconciled to God?

God Hears My Cry (Youth Sunday)

Psalm 119:145-152


Description:God is big enough to hear our cries and handle our heartache. He hears our cries and He cares for our pain. He is near to the brokenhearted. Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. The Big Questions: Does God even care?

Don't Take My Word for It

Psalm 119:137-144


Description:As the Psalmist reflects on God's Word and His promises, he remembers God's righteousness (character) and His righteous works (teaching). He trusts God because God is trustworthy. Taste and see that the Lord is good.The big question: Can I trust God's promises?

The Bible Works

Psalm 119:129-136


Description:The Bible is the Word of God. It is more than a book, it is The Book. It makes good on its promises because its promises are God's promises. God meets you where you are through your interactions with the Bible.Can the Bible really help me?

New Life

Psalm 119:121-128


Description:The theme of this stanza is "The Lord is My Life." In the ancient world (and really today), people could only settle where there was a spring or well to provide water. Water was life. On Easter we celebrate the well that springs up to eternal life. The darkness of Friday couldn't kill the light of the world. Jesus gave Himself to the Father and the Father did not forsake Him. The will of God is good and you can trust Him. He's all you need.Do you know Him?

A Light to My Path

Psalm 119:105-112


Description:God's Word lights our way. Even in the valley of the shadow of death, we need not fear for God is with us. His Word guides and directs us. The snares of the wicked are revealed through the light of God's Word.Are you trusting God's Word to light your path?


Psalm 119:97-104


Description:The Word of God brings refreshment to the people of God. Even in difficult times, God's people can be satisfied in God's Word.How can I find satisfaction in God's Word?

God's Books

Psalm 119:89-96


Description:God has two books by which we can learn about Him. Through the book of nature we learn much of His creativity, power, and order. Through the Bible we learn his plan and love. Both are necessary, but only the Bible is 100% trustworthy. How are you learning about God?

The Preserving Power of God's Word

Psalm 119:81-88


Description:The Word of God preserves God's children so that they may persevere. When all else seems lost, the Word of God is enough to keep his children secure even in the darkest of days, but you need to know it to experience its preserving power.What is your Bible battle plan?

Follow Me

Psalm 119:73-80


Description:The Psalmist writes as one for whom God is his only friend, and yet he wrties as one who desires to procliam the love of God to others. He wants to make a difference and teach others. The Word of God makes us into God's image bearers who can shape others to be the same.Who are you leading?

Suffering's Silver Lining

Psalm 119:65-72


Description:It can be good to be afflicted. Trials come to make us strong and to drive us godward. Suffering in your life can serve to make you more like Christ.What is the role of suffering in the Christian life?

Where Your Friends Are

Psalm 119:57-64


Description:The psalmist writes that he is a companion of all those who fear the Lord and keep his precepts. Do we find companionship among God’s people? Are we willing to overlook minor offenses to maintain fellowship among believers?

The God Who is (Still) There

Psalm 19


Description:In the face of attacks from atheism, Psalm 19 shows us that God is still there.