I want to help with the Barbecue


  • Starting about 10:00am a group of guys will start setting up the tents and bringing tables from the garage and stacking firewood
  • The meat will be delivered afternoon and skinning/salting of hams will start (around 3:30 or 4:00pm).
  • About 70 hams will be loaded into the cookers and the balance (25-30) will be put in the refrigerator
  • Thursday

  • We’ll fire the cookers about 6am, tend the fires & hams then wrap them in foil about 11am.
  • Preparation of the slaw will start 1:00-3:00pm
  • Brunswick stew preparation will start about 8:00am (boiling chicken, cooking ground meat, chopping onions)
  • Friday

  • Hams will be unloaded from the cookers (6am) and chopping will start about 7:30-8:00am
  • Stew pots will be loaded with ingredients and cooking/stirring will start about 6:30-7:00am
  • The remaining hams will be loaded into the cooker about 7:00am and we’ll re-fire the cookers
  • Chopping/saucing of the pork will start around 8:00am. Extra help at this time would be greatly appreciated!
  • Tables and chairs will need to be brought out and set up by about 10:00am because we’ll be serving some folks before 11am.
  • Serving will continue until we run out of meat or 6:30-7:00pm
  • Saturday

  • Repeat of Friday but we usually start at 7am and sell out by 1:00-2:00pm
  • Clean up and take down the tents, put chairs/tables away
  • Go home and wash the smoke off of us
  • Thank you for making a difference