Don't Be Deceived

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike preaches from 1 John 2:18-27 exploring how to avoid the snare of Deception.

Whom do you Love?

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores the pull of the love of the world against the pull of the love of God and answers the question Whom do you Love?

God's Greatest Desire

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Building off of last weeks message Pastor Mike explores God's Greatest Desire.

First Things First

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores what is the most important thing for your life in 2017.


Children's Pastor Brian Galvin


Description:Children's Pastor Brian Galvin speaks on God's planning.

Happy Thanksgiving

Elder Doug Kline


Description:Elder Doug Kline share about thanksgiving and being thankful from God's Word.

The Real Life

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike begins this new study on the Epistle of 1 John. In this message he preaches from 1 John 1:1-4

How Do I Know I'm Saved

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike focuses on Salvation and the importance of the phrase "Jesus is Lord" in Romans 10:9.

Exposing False Teachers

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores how to avoid the snare of false teachers in Matt. 7.

Handling Guilt

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores the question, how do you handle guilt?

Determining the True Voice of God

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores how to hear the voice of God in the midst of a sea of many voices. As well as determine if the voice you hear is truly the voice of God, or if it is the voice of man, or even the voice of Satan.


Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike concludes this series on Revival looking at Revival's Power Source. Revival cannot happen without the Power of the Holy Spirt and that power comes through the filling of the Holy Spirit.


Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:In part 2 Pastor Mike shared the Heart of Revival - Repentance. In the message Pastor Mike shares the Path of Revival - a Renewed Mind. Once the Believer is serious about dealing with their sin, they must put on the mind of Christ, listen as Pastor Mike explains what that means.


Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike deals with the heart of true revival. You can have powerful praise and worship. You can have excellent preaching. You can have a move of God in the service. However, revival can never come without repentance, the heart of true revival.


Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike begins a new series looking at Revival. In this introductory message Pastor Mike explores what Biblical revival is, who it is for, and how revival begins.

Children's Church Service

Children's Pastor Brian Galvin


Description:Children's Ministry Pastor, Brian Galvin bring Children's Church to the main Worship Service. This was a very special service as we highlighted our Children's Church Ministry.


Pastor Mike Vargo


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On Time

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores God's timing and the fact that God's timing is always perfect even when we perceive it isn't.


Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Psalm 95:3 declares God as being a Great God. Since the Bible makes this declaration, the question it raises is why. In this message Pastor Mike makes the claim that God is Great because He is Trustworthy. Is God Trustworthy?

Be The Difference

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:We as Christians are to "Make a Difference" in this world, or so we are told. Pastor Mike explains why this statement is wrong according to God's Word from Matthew 5:13-16, and that we are rather, called to "BE the difference."

Happy are the Persecuted

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike concludes this series looking at persecution that will come as a result of being sold out for God.

Happy are the Peacemakers

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores what it means to be a peacemaker and why a true peacemaker is called a son of God!

Happy are the Pure in Heart

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores what it means to be pure in heart.

Happy are the Merciful

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores what it means to be merciful.

Happy are those who hunger & thirst for Righteousness

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Is righteousness a what or a who?

Happy are the Meek

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores the 3rd beatitude and the meaning of Blessed are the meek.

Happy are those who Mourn

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores the 2nd beatitude and the meaning of Blessed are those who mourn.


Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:New Life Easter Celebration 2016Pastor Mike explains how the Resurrection bring Great Victory into our Lives.

New Life Good Friday Service

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores the events leading up to and through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores how the advancement of technology in our day shows the closeness of the Lord's Return for His Church.

Falling Away: Truth

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores the topic of Truth in light of end time prophecy. Is there a falling away from truth today? Where is the church in relation to truth? Is this a prophecy that brings us closer to the Return of the Lord?

You Are Here

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike begins a new Prophecy Series entitled One Second to Go. In this series Pastor Mike explores current events and how they compare to the end times prophecies and events in the Scriptures. In this introductory message Pastor Mike lays out the foundational truths of the order of events as scriptures predict and where we are today in the scheme of these events.

Scout Sunday

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:New Life had the great privilege of holding a special Service where the local Boy Scouts were able to have a important part in the service and to teach them what ministry is about.Pastor Mike's message is taken right from the skits the Scouts performed explaining that we who are saved are to shine brightly in this world for Christ.

Trustng God in the New Year

Pastor Mike Vargo (at Calvary E Free)


Description:Pastor Mike preaches at Calvary Evangelical Free Church in Rugby ND. In this message Pastor Mike preaches from Psalm 121 and explains four truths about God and who God is for us when we choose to trust and obey Him.

Go Big or go Home

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike shares his heart as to the importance of choosing to follow God especially in the upcoming year.

The Power of Forgiveness

Guest Speaker Arlen Lundberg


Description:Special Guest Speaker, Pastor Arlen Lundberg speaks on the subject of Forgiveness.In this powerful message Pastor Lundberg uses the art of chalk drawing to emphasize the freeing power of forgiveness in our lives.

ADVENT: The Result

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:In this powerful and life changing message Pastor Mike explores Isaiah's prophecy in Isaiah 9:6. He explores and explains God's view of Christmas and it is much different view then you might have thought. Please watch this message and send it to others.

ADVENT: The Plan

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores God's plan for Christmas from Micah 5:2.

ADVENT: The Reason

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike explores the reason for the advent of the Messiah based upon the Messianic Prophecy found in Gen 3:15.

Keys to Victorious Faith

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike concludes this series on the book of James preaching from James 5:13-20. In the message Pastor Mike shares three keys that keep us walking in this Victorious Faith.

Who's Will

Elder Doug Kline


Description:We love to make plans to do things, but how often is God involved in this process? Elder Doug Kline explores this thought from James 4:13-17.

Humble Character

Life Group/Prayer Pastor Perry Faul


Description:Life Group/Prayer Pastor Perry Faul explores the character of one that has genuine faith from James 4:1-12.

Who Is Wise?

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:What is the key to true wisdom and are you a wise person? Pastor Mike explores the key to true wisdom in this message from James 3:13-18. This message is a must for any child of God that desires to have a faith that changes them and the world!

Raising Dead Faith

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:What is a Faith that is Alive? Pastor Mike Explores this question as he preaches from James 2:14-26.

Showing Mercy

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:Pastor Mike continues in this series preaching from James 2:1:13. In this message Pastor Mike explores the dangers of favoritism and what it takes to overcome this problem that all of us deal with.

Successful Living

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:We all want to be successful, but what makes us successful in living out our faith. Pastor Mike explores this from James 1:19-27 and explains the key to successful living.

A Strong Faith in a Troubled World

Pastor Mike Vargo


Description:We live in a world that is increasingly become more and more hostile toward Christianity. So how do we live in this world? James speaks to this in James 1:2-18, and explains that the only way for us to live in a world hostile to us is through Faith.Pastor Mike explains from this passage what it means to live with a strong, genuine faith.