Good Leaders

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:The Feast of the Holy Family highlights the leadership of Joseph. This homily considers the qualities that made Joseph a good leader. The homily is based on Matthew chapter 2, verses 13 to 15 and 19 to 23.

Follow the Dream

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Joseph accepts and follows the dream that God sets before him. This homily challenges us to consider if we believe and follow the dreams God puts before us. The homily is based on Matthew chapter 1, verses 18 to 24.

Second Thoughts

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:We all have second thoughts about our decisions and beliefs. John the Baptist has second thoughts about Jesus "being one who is to come." The homily is based on Matthew chapter 11, verses 2 to 11.


Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:We all have people in our life who make us feel uncomfortable for various reasons. This homily explores why John the Baptist made people so uncomfortable that they acted. The homily is based on Matthew chapter 3, verses 1 to 12.


Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Transportation companies, schools, businesses and retail stores all publish days and hours of operation. God, however, does not publish a schedule of when He will act. God's schedule remains unpublished. The homily is based on Matthew chapter 24, verses 37 to 44.

We Would Know

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Christ the King reveals his power and position in ways unlike any other earthly ruler. The homily is based on Luke chapter 23 verses 35 to 43.


Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:The predictions that Jesus makes about the end of time also apply to the time the Gospel of Luke was written and also to our own day. The homily is based on Luke chapter 21, verses 5 to 19.


Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:The Sadducees found the concept of the afterlife foolish and unacceptable. This homily examines what Jesus has to say about the subject. The homily is based on Luke chapter 20, verses 20 to 28.

Short to Tall

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Halloween is a day when people change their appearance. Today's Gospel tells of a man who changes much more profoundly. Zacchaeus changes when Jesus shows him love and acceptance. The homily is based on Luke chapter 19, verses 1 to 10.

Standardized Tests

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Standardized tests let students know how they are performing in relationship to their peers. However, when it comes to living the Gospel, I am not to judge my performance in relationship to other people, but in light of what God expects of me. The homily is based on Luke chapter 18, verses 8 to 14.

No Rosetta Stone

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Many products advertise they will produce quick results. When it comes to prayer, Jesus does not promise quick results. Jesus says prayer demands persistent effort and perseverance. The homily is based on Luke chapter 18, verses 1 to 8.

No Thanks, No Mass

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:This homily considers the decline in Sunday Mass attendance in light of the Gospel story in which only one of ten lepers cured by Jesus returns to give him thanks. The homily is based on Luke chapter 17, verses 11 to 19.

Flying Trees

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Jesus says that even a little faith can uproot a tree and send it flying into the sea. This homily explores what the power of faith can do in our world. The homily is baed on Luke chapter 17, verses 5 to 10.


Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:The homily explores the reasons why a rich person might end up in the fires of hell. The homily is based on Luke chapter 16, verses 19 to 31

A Role Model?

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:In a parable that many find hard to understand, Jesus seems to hold up a dishonest steward as a person to be imitated. The homily is based on Luke chapter 16, verses 1 to 13.

Broom in Hand

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:This homily focuses attention on the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. It particularly looks at the parable of the woman who seeks her lost coin. Like that woman, God seeks us out. The homily is based on Luke chapter 15, verses 1 to 32.

Right On The Mark!

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:This homily focuses on the contemporary feel of the two parables told by Jesus in this Gospel. These parables and this homily challenge us to consider the cost of following Christ. The homily is based on Luke chapter 14, verses 25 to 33.

Rules of Etiquette

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:This homily considers some rules of social etiquette, Christian etiquette, and finally "Divine Etiquette." The homily is based on Luke chapter 14, verse 1 and 7 to 14..

Multiple Choice

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:How many people will be saved? All, most, some, few? That question is addressed in this homily. The homily is based on Luke chapter 13, verses 22 to 30.

The Glass Ceiling

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Women often encounter a "glass ceiling" in the professional and business world, and even in the world of religion. This homily speaks about Mary breaking the "glass ceiling." The holy is based on Luke chapter 1, verses 39 to 56.


Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:All people have a particular orientation to time. Some focus on the past, others on the present, still others on the future. This homily examines the orientation that Christians should have when it comes to time. The homily is based on Luke chapter 12, verses 32 to 48.

Rich People

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:We judge people to be rich by how much money they possess. Jesus makes it clear that being truly rich is not a matter of money, but a matter of being rich in the things of God. The homily is based on Luke chapter 12, verses 13 to 21.

Sounds Nice

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:We often hear statements that sound nice, but later we come to realize those statements aren't really true. We can have that same reaction to what Jesus says about prayer in this Gospel. The homily is based on Luke chapter 11, verses 1 to 13.

The Best Thing

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Jesus visits Mary and Martha and each sister offers Jesus what she believes is the best she can. This homily, which explores what is truly best, is based on Luke chapter 10 verses 38 to 42

Reason or Heart

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:We do things for a reason. This homily explores the reasons that the Good Samaritan stopped and helped the man in need, while the priest and Levite did not. The homily is based on Luke chapter 10: verses 25 to 37.

July 4 Dedication

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Those who signed the Declaration of Independence were men dedicated to the cause of freedom. The 72 disciples sent out by Jesus were also people of dedication. Today, Jesus still seeks dedicated people to do his work. The homily is based on Luke chapter 10, verses 1 to 12, and 17 to 20.

Route 70 West

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:In this passage of Luke's Gospel, Jesus begins his journey to Jerusalem. On the way, he calls people to follow him and Jesus still does the same today. Following Jesus gives us a purpose, a destination in life. The homily is based on Luke chapter 9, verses 51 to 62.

The Whole Picture

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:For Jesus being "the Christ of God" would mean suffering and the cross. Such things also come to those who follow Jesus Christ. The homily is based on Luke chapter 9, verses 18 to 24.

Mercy Brings Love

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Those who love God the most seem to be sinners who have experienced God's generous mercy. The homily is based on Luke chapter 7, verses 36 to 50.


Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:The Apostles wanted Jesus to dismiss the hungry crowds so they could find food. Jesus, however, tells the Apostles that they should feed them. We who are fed at the Table of the Lord are also told to feed the hungry. The homily is basked on Luke chapter 9, verses 11 to 17.,

Over Time

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:We learn not in a moment, but over time. For example, we move through first grade, second grade, etc. So we also learn about God over time. The Holy Spirit leads us to all truth, including the truth of the Holy Trinity. The homily is based on John chapter 16, verses 12 to 15.

Essential For Life

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Air is essential for human life. The"air," the Holy Spirit, that Jesus breathes on his Church is essential for its survival and for our life as Christians. The homily is based on John 20, verses 19 to 23.

I Pray For....

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:This homily asks us to consider the people for whom we pray and things for which we pray. It considers the people and things for which Jesus prayed. Jesus prayed that his disciples might be one as he and the Father are one. The homily is based on John chapter 17, verses 20 to 27.

The Spirit Works

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Jesus did not provide explicit guidance for each and every issue that would confront the Church. What Jesus promised was that the Church would be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works through debates, discussions, and disagreements among faithful Catholics to guide the Church. The homily is based on John chapter 14, verses 23 to 29.

Tell & Show

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Jesus not only tells his disciples they should love another. He shows them how they are to love. They are love just as he has loved them. Such love requires sacrifice and service. The homily is based on John chapter 13, verses 31 to 35.

More Than Q & A

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Faith in Jesus Christ does not come by asking questions and getting answers. Faith comes when we are touched by God's grace. The homily is based on John chapter 10, verses 27 to 30.

I Am Going Fishing

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:The Resurrection of Jesus changes things. The Apostles learn that they cannot go back to living as they did before they were called, before they were commissioned and sent forth by the Risen Lord. The homily is based on John chapter 21, verses 1 to 14.

We Are Sunday People

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Twice in this Gospel, the Risen Lord appears on a Sunday. For the Risen Lord, it seems that Sunday was his "favorite day." The homily is based on John chapter 20, verses 19 to 31.

Easter Card Scenes

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:It's easy to picture scenes associated with the Nativity of the Lord. It is not so easy to picture the Resurrection. The Resurrection is beyond our human experience. The homily is based on John chapter 20, verses 1 to 9.

Not Always

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:The account of the passion and death of Jesus shows us that in this world things are not always as they should be. The innocent suffer. The homily is based on Luke chapter 22, verse 14 to chapter 23, verse 56.

A Change in Focus

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:A woman caught in adultery is brought to Jesus for judgment. Rather than focusing on the woman, Jesus directs his focus to the sinfulness of those ready to condemn her. The homily is based on John 8, verses 1 to 11.

Read the Introduction

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:The parable known as "The Prodigal Son" takes on a deeper meaning when we read its introduction. The parable explains the outreach of Jesus to sinners. The homily is based on Luke chapter 15, verses 1 to 3, and 11 to 32.

Punishments from God?

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Earthquakes and other disasters are often seen as punishments from God. However, Jesus does not accept that belief. The homily is based on Luke chapter 13, verses 1 to 9.

It Shows!

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:When we are touched by love, joy, happiness, or great news - it shows! During the Transfiguration Jesus was touched by the power and presence of God and it showed! The homily is based on Luke chapter 9, verses 28 to 36.

Remember to Resist Temptation

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:By recalling God's word, Jesus is able to resist the devil's temptations. The more God's word is in our memory, the better we are at resisting the temptations that come our way. The homily is based on Luke chapter 4, verses 1 to 13.

Success in Life?

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Society has one view of success in life, but Jesus seems to have a very different view of what bring success and blessedness in life. The homily is based on Luke chapter 6, verses 17, 20 to 26.


Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Simon Peter and his partners were astonished at a tremendous catch of fish. But what is even more astonishing is that Jesus the Lord calls admitted sinners, like Simon Peter, to be his instruments in the world. The homily is based on Luke chapter 5, verses 1 to 11.

Listening to Experts

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:We tend to listen to outside experts more than to people we know, even when it comes to our faith. This homily explores how Jesus was dismissed by the people of Nazareth because he was from their "native place." The homily is based on Luke chapter 4, verses 21 to 30.

Mission Statements

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:Companies and individuals have mission statements that reveal their purpose and goals. Today's Gospel has verses that could be considered mission statements, - one by St. Luke, the other by Jesus. The homily is based on Luke chapter 1, verses 1 to 4, and chapter 4, verses 14 to 21.

Sign Language

Fr. Tom Iwanowski


Description:We all know "sign language" to some extent. To understand the miracle at Cana where Jesus changes water into wine, we need to know "sign language." The homily is based on John chapter 2, verses 1 to 11.