1 John | God Is Light

Bobby Williams


Description:1 John 1:5-2:1-6"God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all" What did John mean by saying that God is light and how do we know if we are IN that light?

1 John | Know This

Bobby Williams


Description:1 John 1:1-4In the first part of this series on the book of 1 John, pastor Bobby gives us the context and background on the man called "the whom Jesus loved", John and shows us what John has a deep desire for every believer to know

9am Make Room For Mission

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 5:13-16This is the message from the 9am service. In this message, we talk about ways the church helps us transform and ways the church helps us be light in our community.

Make Room For Mission

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 5:13-16Jesus said we should be and could be salt and light. In this message we talk about what it means to be salt (transformed) and how that propels us to be light to others (on mission)

Make Room For Prayer Pt. 2

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 6:5-13In part 2/2 on prayer during the Make Room series, we discuss practically how we can pray and call out the obstacles that may cause us to not pray

Make Room For Prayer

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 6:5-9Do you pray? Did you use to but stopped? Or do you want to pray but just don't feel like you do it right? In week 3, we talk about prayer in a way that could totally revolutionize how you pray in 2017

Make Room For Community

Bobby Williams


Description:Mark 2:9-17God created us to be in community. So who have we given an open invitation into our lives and who have we opened our hearts to? In Mark 2, we see how Jesus did this and calls us to the same life.

Make Room | Make Room For Jesus

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 10:34-39Is Jesus our supreme treasure and if not, what has to be cleared out in our lives to make room for Him to be our treasure?

Vision 2017

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 9:35-38 To start off the year, we take a moment to have a raw conversation about what it means to be a participator and not just an attender

Christmas Eve Eve 2016

Bobby Williams


Description:Luke 1In our annual Christmas Eve Eve service, join us as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus by looking at the Christmas story and how God chose some of the least expected people to bring and unexpected kind of love.

Jesus Is...Joy

Wesley Hicks


Description:John 15:1-14Pastor Wesley Hicks reminds us that even when life hurts, Jesus is joy and joy is way better than happiness.

Jesus Is....Rest

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 11:28-30Are you stressed out? Worried? Feel over-burdened about Christmas and this season? Then Jesus offers us an escape to rest; a deeper kind of rest you can only find in him.

Jesus Is.....Hope

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 1:18-25Hope is a universal language. We all want it. We all need it? But where do we get it during times when it seems hard to find?

How To Be Thankful

AJ Underwood


Description:Joshua 4Do you know how to be thankful? Do you know what you can be thankful for? AJ Underwood speaks to us this week about 12 things we can be thankful for.

From Mess To Holiness

Bobby Williams


Description:Joshua 6 & 7God's desire for us is not to leave us in our mess, but to bring us into holiness

Preparation over Planning

Bobby Williams


Description:Joshua 3:1-17The nation of Israel were standing on the edge of the Promised Land when God told them to prepare themselves because tomorrow he would do amazing things. We can't plan God into doing something amazing, but we can be prepared for them.

Obeidence Rooted in Faith

Bobby Williams


Description:Joshua 1:1-9Joshua chapter 1 opens with the nation of Israel standing on the edge of the payoff from the promise God made to them years before. But between that promise and this payoff, there would be a need for the obedience to act.

Get To vs Have To Generosity

Bobby Williams


Description:2 Corinthians 8:1-15Generosity is not something we should feel like we have to do; we GET to be generous. And with that, comes amazing benefits.

How To Be A Church For Our Neighbors

Bobby Williams


Description:Revelation 2:1-5Churches are not just called to open up on Sundays and shout, "Everyone come to us!" but rather, are called to be healthy, vibrant and a church that is FOR it's city and community. So what does it take to be this?

How Do I Love My Neighbor?

Bobby Williams


Description:Luke 10:20-37Loving our neighbor is more than just being nice to someone. It's that, plus more. Jesus tells us the answer through a story

Why is the Great Commandment great?

Bobby Williams


Description:Mark 12:28-31Jesus was asked our of the enitre list of 600+ laws and commandments to pick the BEST one. Instead, he boils them all down into ONE command, with two parts. And it's critically important we don't miss it.

Make It Count

Bobby Williams


Description:Matthew 25:14-30"The Christian life is a call to risk. You either risk or waste your life. We get one shot at this life. Don't waste it. Make it count.

What Is My Purpose?

Bobby Williams


Description:Romans 12:1-2God's plan and purpose for our lives is less complicated than we've made it out to be.


Bobby Williams


Description:Wabi-Sabi is a Japaneese phrase that means imperfect beauty. Doesn't that describe our lives? Life can be incredibly hard, but at the same time amazingly beautiful. So when it's hard, let's not forget that those scars will matter. Your story matters.

Rally Point

Bobby Williams


Description:1 Corinthians 11:17-29Nothing can divide us like politics. In a culture so divided, we need a rally point to come around, a place where we find true equality and community.

Faith Before Politics

Rusty Sampson


Description:If you're already over the 2016 election season, then this message is for you. Politics can be tricky, but the bible can help us navigate this tricky season.

The Invitation

Bobby Williams


Description:Luke 5:27-32Lots of people think Christianity is all about doing what Jesus says. But what if doing what Jesus says isn't what Jesus says to do at all?

Use Your Story

Bobby Williams


Description:(We apologize that the messages from the prior few weeks have not been available due to technical difficulties.)John 4:7-42 Your story becomes a testimony when you realize Jesus Christ is the beginning, middle, and end of your story. Your story is forever changed when it includes Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You will then have a testimony worthy of being shared that will make a difference in so many lives.

Rebuild the Wall

Wesley Hicks


Description:Nehemiah 1:1-4We were designed to be in peaceful, perfect communion with God and His creation but the walls of the design were torn down by sin and death. We can overcome this by living an extraordinary life which involves rebuilding what was lost due to sin. You will experience deeper joy in God and will have a deeper impact in peoples' lives around you.

Ridge Lead Team



Description:Ridge leadership found it necessary to change things up a bit this week. From a bilical perspective, each member of the lead team answers some very important questions in response to the many hate crimes that have been heavy in media over the past several years. It's the leadership's prayer that they can shed some light in the midst of this darkness for us all.


Kevin Bradford


Description:Phillipians 3:4-11Kevin challenges us all with this question, Are you concerned with who you are becoming? Deeply rooted in all of our flesh is sin. God went to great lengths to change this through His son Jesus Christ. The bottom line: We can't change what only changes through having Christ in us.


AJ Underwood


Description:Psalm 5:11-12AJ teaches us this week the importance of taking refuge in God; not man. People intentionally or not will break promises but God fullfills promises. AJ also educates us on a few of Ridge church's ministries. Please check out website (ridgechurch.cc) or ask one of us that's been around for a bit.


Wesley Hicks


Description:Genesis 1:28-31, 3:17-19God did not create you to live a broken existence. Unfortunately, this became our reality when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. Sin brings death; death brings loss; loss brings grief. Follow along as Wesley tells the beautiful story of how God rescued us from this broken existence.

18 Inch Journey

Rusty Sampson


Description:Philippians 2:1-2 Eighteen inches is the distance from a person's head to their heart. It is possibly the shortest distance it will take you a lifetime to journey. Worship is a way we give back, pray to, love, and trust God. True worship requires an open heart. Listen in as Rusty shows us all how we can be creative in our worship.

The Time Is Now

Bobby Williams


Description:Esther 4:11-16God wants to use you a nobody from nowhere to bring the gospel to your home, neighborhood, and workplace. Bottom Line: God's purpose is not to please you but your purpose is to please Him. The cool thing is God will step in when we step out. Bobby challenges us with the question. What is your next step?

In the Ruins of Life

Bobby Williams


Description:Esther 3:1-15Nobody says I am going to ruin my life today but many of us do not pay attention to the alarms that life is headed to or is already in ruins. Bobby brings to light 4 of these alarms we tend to ignore until it is too late.

In the Mess of Life

Bobby Williams


Description:Esther 1:1-22The bad news: Jesus said that we will have trouble in this world. The good news: Jesus overcame this world as the "good news". God was at work in the midst of Esther's mess. Your mess serves a purpose God has planned for you. Bottom Line: Trust God is right there with you in your mess.


Bobby Williams


Description:Exodus 14:1-31Are you tired of failing on your own? Has the load overwhelmed you? God will carry the load for you the moment you ask Him to. God can handle anything! Believe that His power to overcome anything lives in you forever. Bobby (along with many others) is praying God's message will set you free.

People Pleaser

Wesley Hicks


Description:Galatians 1:10"When pleasing people fuels what we do, who we are, and how we live our tank will run empty pretty quickly" (Wes). Galations says that our identity is not what people think of us, but rather, who we are through God. Bottom Line: Identify areas where pleasing people is priority then repent of them.

Toxic Relationships

Bobby Williams


Description:Luke 6:27-38Are you a dramea queen or a peacemaker? Jesus calls His followers to be peacemakers. Bobby explains that one major way to accomplish this is to pray. Listen in as he breaks down what I titled "4 Prayers 4 Family."

Relational Conflict

Bobby Williams


Description:Romans 12:9-21Do you consider conflict an obstacle or an opportunity? This week's message reveals how conflict can be an opportunity for you to example the gospel by following these three truths: 1. seek to glorify God 2. focus on your contribution3. talk less listen more


Bobby Williams


Description:James 3:13-18Bobby says "the foundation of a healthy relationship is wisdom." James teaches us the difference between having earthly or Godly wisdom. Remember: you were made in God's image not Him yours. God is for God! He loves you as Himself!Listen in as Bobby crafts these truths into his message.

God Changes Lives!

Bobby Williams


Description:Luke 15:11-24Everyone inherits a rebellious heart that seperates them from God, thankfully though, God loved people before people loved Him. God resurrected Jesus to complete His plan of salvation for all people. People do not change; God's love changes people!!!

Unleash Your Faith

Bobby Williams


Description:John 4:7-30, 39-42John 4 tells a wonderful story of Jesus' invitation to a samaritan woman for salvation. The woman, immediately after believing Jesus was the messiah, goes and invites the rest of her town to come see Jesus so that they would believe as well. Bobby says it perfectly, "An invitation can change everything."

Unleash Your Faith

Bobby Williams


Description:Acts 2:14-36People share what they love. The question is what do you love. Bobby's bottom line: Jesus has done a work in you so that He can do something through you! What you share with others the most is what you love the most. This week's message teaches how Jesus can be what you love the most.


Bobby Williams


Description:Mark 8:27-38Jesus asks the disciples, "Who do you say I am?" Who do you beleive Jesus to be? Right or wrong your perception is your reality. Do you know about Him or do you know Him? Bobby walks us through these very important questions hoping we all know or find the correct answer.

3 Rewards of Going All IN

Bobby Williams


Description:Mark 1:16-20Bobby gives us 3 of the many rewards we recieve for going all in for Jesus. 1. Re-formed - made new2. Re-focused - new purpose3. Re-pent - change direction

3 Key Principes in Parenting

Rusty Sampson


Description:Psalm 127:1-5In second week of #follow series, Rusty walks us through 3 key principles in parenting: 1. Love is not enough 2. God grows children in the home and in the church 3. We need to prepare our children for God's mission. Not a parent, this message still applies for you to model Christ to the children in your church.

4 Phases of Following

Bobby Williams


Description:Luke 5:1-11In part 1 of #follow series Bobby talks about Jesus' call for Peter, James and John to follow Him. Bobby explains 4 phases of following and how we all have a next step to take in following Jesus within the 4 phases.