Redeeming My Focus

Todd Stocker


Description:Redeeming My FocusWe become vulnerable to temptation when we are dissatisfied with our lives. The deeper our dissatisfaction, the deeper our vulnerability, because you were made for soul satisfaction. You cannot live without it. If we do not find soul satisfaction in God, we will look for it somewhere else, but we will look for it."Psalm 66:5-121 Cor. 10:12-13Luke 4:1-13"

Renewing My Mind

John Kallio


Description:Renewing My MindBecoming the best version of yourself, rests on one simple directive: Think great thoughts! People who live great lives are people who habitually think great thoughts. Their thoughts incline them toward confidence, love, and joy. Trying to change your emotions by willpower without allowing the stream of your thoughts to be changed by the flow of the Spirit is like fumigating the house of the skunk smell while the skunks continue to live in your crawl space. But God can change the way we think."Isaiah 55:1-9Romans 12:1-3Mark 7:14-23"

Discovering The Spirit

Todd Stocker


Description:Your flourishing is never just about you. It is a “so that” kind of condition. God designed you to flourish “so that” you could be part of his redemptive project in ways that you otherwise could not. He wants you to flourish “so that” people can be encouraged, gardens can be planted, music can be written, sick people can be helped, or companies can thrive in ways they otherwise would not. When you fail to become the person God designed, all the rest of us miss out on the gift you were made to give."Psalm 92:8-152 Cor. 5:11-17Matt. 11:25-30"

Seeing Things

John Kallio


Description:When you find out that what you thought you saw wasn't reality, you feel like you're "seeing things." Today we find out that when Jesus sees things, not only are they real, but they can change the hearts of even the hardest of people. "Ps. 139:1-101 Cor. 6:12-20John 1:43-51"


Todd Stocker


Description:BaptizedJesus' baptism was a normal event for the day. The difference was in the verbal confirmation from God that Jesus was his son. But why did Jesus need to be baptized in the first place?"Ps. 29Rom. 6:1-11Mark 1:4-11"

Into The Light

Todd Stocker


Description:Jesus was born, lived, and died to bring us life and light. We are adopted as his children and that relationship is for all generations. Today we celebrate Jesus who brought us out of the darkness and made us children of God. "Psalm 111Gal. 4:4–7Luke 2:25-35"


Todd Stocker


Description:Have you ever heard a piece of news and wondered if you should act or not? Maybe it's from a newsclip, a conversation, or social media. Whatever the source, the information is rich with posibilities. Today, we look at 'Al,' a player in the Advent story that is more personal that you think. "Jer. 29:4-14Rom. 14:12-21Luke 2:8-18"

The Complaint Department

Nathan Speerbrecker


Description: You don’t have to look far to find reasons to complain about life. Many of us are serial complainers and find the cloud behind every silver lining. In light of all that God has done, do we really have reason to complain? Is there a better way to handle the inconsistencies and seeming lack in our lives? (Be Content)"Psalm 73:21-261 Timothy 6:6-12Luke 12:13-21"

For God's Glory Alone

Todd Stocker


Description:"Because we know that God, through Jesus alone, saved us, we give him the glory for everything. Salvation is from God alone.Jonah 2:1-9Rev. 7:9-17John 17:1-5"

Faith Alone

Todd Stocker


Description:Faith is not a dream. It is not a wish or an empty hope. Martin Luther said, “faith is God’s work in us, that changes us and gives new birth from God. Faith is a bold trust in the grace of God.”"Gen. 12:1-7Eph. 2:1-9John 20:24-31"

Christ Alone

Todd Stocker


Description:Alone' is a strong word which means 'by no other means.' As we begin our series, we see that everything hinges on Christ. He is the one who died and rose to redeem his people and all of creation. Through him, we are 're-formed' into new creations. "Numbers 21:4-9Acts 4:5-12John 3:11-17"


Todd Stocker


Description:Have you ever felt like there wasn't enough of you to go around? With all of the pressures and demands on your time, it is easy to fall out of balance and not have time for what really matters in life. How do we keep what really matters in focus?"Psalm 46Heb. 13:1-8Matt6:25-34"

Coming Into Focus

Todd Stocker


Description:It is easy to get bogged down with all of the details of life, especially the ones that are troublesome. Today, we learn from Jesus who made it through the horror of the cross. "Micah 7:1-7Heb. 12:1-9 (key)Matt20:20-28"

Some Things Never Change

Todd Stocker


Description:If there's one thing that is certain in life, it's change. Sometimes change is slow and other times it's sudden. In the midst of all the changes in life, you can place your trust in the Lord who never changes."Proverbs 3:1-6Heb. 1:1-12John 11:17-27"

Are You Listening?

Todd Stocker


Description:Are You Listening?There are many accounts of Jesus healing people in the bible. Today, we see Jesus heal a deaf man with a speech impediment which reminds us that God's desire is for us to be hearing him and speaking clearly about his power. "Is. 29:17–24Rom. 10:9–17Mark 7:31–37"

Resource Others

Dean Dunavan


Description:"The children of this world are more shrewd in dealing with the world around them than are the children of the light. Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends.""2 Sam. 22:26–341 Cor. 10:6–13Luke 16:1–9 (NLT Version)"

Peace At Last

Jack Jorgensen


Description:All of us have areas in our lives in which we need peace. What happens when we allow Jesus to conquer the struggle? Today, we see that even demons fall under the authority of Jesus. Psalm 41 Peter 5:1-7Luke 8:26-37


Todd Stocker


Description:Leftovers show that either you didn't eat enough or the cook made too much. But what do the leftovers of the feeding of the 5,000 tell us about who Jesus is? Deut. 7:6-111 Cor. 1:18-25Mark 6:30-44

A Person Of Integrity

Todd Stocker


Description:Integrity means to be whole and complete. Like Joseph in the Old Testament, a person of integrity has a moral wholeness based on God's word. Hardship and chaos usually follow a person who is quick to just join the crowd, especially when the 'joining' means leaving God's direction and commands.Genesis 39:7-12Proverbs 10:9, 11:3, 13:6, 29:10Matt. 5:33-37

A Person of Integrity

Jack Jorgensen


Description:Integrity means to be whole and complete. Like Joseph in the Old Testament, a person of integrity has a moral wholeness based on God's word. Hardship and chaos usually follow a person who is quick to just join the crowd, especially when the 'joining' means leaving God's direction and commands.Genesis 39:7-12Proverbs 10:9, 11:3, 13:6, 29:10Matt. 5:33-37

A Person Of Sacrifice

Todd Stocker


Description:When a true sacrifice happens, the giver of the sacrifice doesn't expect any return. As Jesus-followers, we are called to give a sacrifice of love to those who don't know him. Through our witness, the Holy Spirit can change hearts. That is how Christ-followers emulate Jesus.Psalm 841 Timothy 4:6-10Luke 6:27-36

A Person of Sacrifice

Jack Jorgensen


Description:When a true sacrifice happens, the giver of the sacrifice doesn't expect any return. As Jesus-followers, we are called to give a sacrifice of love to those who don't know him. Through our witness, the Holy Spirit can change hearts. That is how Christ-followers emulate Jesus.Psalm 841 Timothy 4:6-10Luke 6:27-36

A Person Of Wisdom

Ben Griffen - Linc Twin Cities


Description:Being a knowledgable person is good but being a wise person is even better. But what's the difference? What is the one thing that takes a person to the next level in being wise?Proverbs 3:13-18 James 3:13-18 Matthew 7:24-29

A Person Of Honor

Todd Stocker


Description:The word 'Honor' means to assign value. When a father shows that they value their families, they are showing the love of Jesus to them. How do we add value to our families in the way that Jesus added value to us? Is. 25:1-5Gal. 6:7-10Luke 14:7-11

A Person Of Honor

Jack Jorgensen


Description:FATHERS DAY.The word 'Honor' means to assign value. When a father shows that they value their families, they are showing the love of Jesus to them. How do we add value to our families in the way that Jesus added value to us? Is. 25:1-5Gal. 6:7-10Luke 14:7-11

Trinity Sunday

Jack Jorgensen


Description:In the Trinity, God is described as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each person has a unique 'job description' but still operates and is one God in his work of saving all of creation.Ps 16:8-11 Acts 2:29-36Matt 28:16-20


Todd Stocker


Description:When the Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost, it sparked a new zeal for the disciples. They saw God's power and God's work. What would it look like if the people of God, today, had that same zeal? What is God asking us to do? Ps 104:24, 27-28, 30Acts 2:1-21Jn 7:37-39


Ben Griffin


Description:When Jesus prayed, he usually had a formula. First, he prayed about his relationship with God and then his relationship with others. What a great model of prayer as we honor God and help others. Ps 68:1-101 Ptr 4:12-19Jn 17:1-11


Jack Jorgensen


Description:A message from the Downtown Campus.


Todd Stocker


Description:Promises are believed when the promise-giver is trustworthy. Today, we hear Jesus' promise to the disciples to provide someone to help them in times of trouble by giving them hope, peace and power. Ps 119:89-931 Ptr 3:13-22Jn 14:15-21

Honoring Moms

Todd Stocker


Description:Moms hold a special place in the heart of society. We celebrate them and thank them for their thankless role in families. This mom's day, how can we honor our own moms?Ezekial 34: 11-151 Thes. 2:1-7 Matt. 11:25-30

From Chaos To Calm

Todd Stocker


Description:If you watch the news or stream social media, you can easily be overwhelmed by all of the chaos that float through our society. politics and conspiracies, opinions and non-factual information threaten to wreek havoc and steal the joy in which God wants you to live. How do we navigate it all? Proverbs 3:1-8 1 Peter 2:1-6 Matthew 24:1-14

Palm Sunday

Todd Stocker


Description:The palm branches waved as Jesus entered Jerusalem. Shouts and cheers for Jesus as King rang throughout the countryside. Today we celebrate our King! Is. 50:4–9aPhil 2:5-11John 12:12-19

Final Breaths

Jack Jorgensen


Description:“Jesus Christ lived in the midst of His enemies. At the end allHis disciples deserted Him. On the Cross, He was utterly alone, surrounded by evildoers and mockers. For this cause He had come, to bring peace to the enemies of God. So the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick of foes.”– Dietrich Bonhoefer[key verse: John 19:30]Psalm 31:8Phil. 2:1-8Luke 23:44–49


Todd Stocker


Description:It is said that a person can survive 3 full weeks without food but only 3 days without water. On the cross, Jesus cried out from the most desparate need, "I Thirst." That cry is our spiritual cry as we seek the Lord in all things. [John 19:28]Psalm 42:1-8Rev. 7:13-17John 19:28–29


Todd Stocker


Description:It times of crisis, when there is no one else to turn to, who do you seek? Today we hear Jesus cry out to the only one who promised never to leave him -- his Father in heaven. How does Jesus' words echo the cry of your heart in crisis today? [key verse: Mark 15:34]Is. 53:1-52 Cor. 5:18-21Matthew 27:45–56


Todd Stocker


Description:Broken relationships break God’s heart. That’s why Jesus wanted to make sure his own mom was taken care of. When it comes down to it, all we have is each other. Protecting our relationships emulates the heart of God. [key verse: John 19:26–27]1 Samuel 1:10-18Eph. 5:21-33John 19:25-27


Tim Booth


Description:What image pops into your head when you hear the word ‘Paradise’? For some, a warm beach is the imagery. For others, a small cabin by the lake. What if the paradise that Jesus offers the thief on the cross is much more that just a place called heaven. What if ‘with me’ is the ultimate paradise for us all? [key verse: Luke 23:43]Gen. 3:6-13, 23,24Phil. 1:27-30Luke 23:35–43

Ash Wednesday

Jack Jorgensen


Description:Ash Wednesday Message

Go and Serve

Todd Stocker


Description:Just like most of Jesus’ teachings, the idea of serving others first against the grain of the world’s thinking. To be first we must put ourselves last. The one who would be first must be the servant of all and this is certainly not the way of the world. Isn’t it like God that His ways are in direct conflict with the ways most people think even in the church? Deut. 10:12-221 Cor. 3:5-11Mark 9:30-37

Growing Together in Faith

Todd Stocker


Description:The theme of ‘fellowship’ is key in the New Testament's description of the early church. Some of the hallmarks of the close relationships of the early church include people praying for each other, studying God's word together, serving each other in the church and helping each other as the case arises. Our church provides so many opportunities to grow together and 'go deep' in relationship and faith. Jeremiah 17:5-8Ephesians 3:14-21Mark 1:21-28

Knowing God

Todd Stocker


Description:“You look just like your dad!” Often, you can tell who is related to whom simply by the looks. As we seek to reset our understanding of the church, we start by understanding that knowing God is simple as we look to his Son, Jesus. Psalm 68:32-35Acts 2:42-47John 14:9-14

My Others

Tim Booth


Description:Jesus always had a mind for those who didn’t know God on a personal level. In our desire to reach others, how can we live a life that is rich in mercy, grace and love to people who need to know Jesus?Ex. 34:1-7Colossians 4:2-6 or Romans 10:9-15Matthew 9:9-13

My Family

Todd Stocker


Description:Why is it that some of the hardest people to love are the ones closest to you? As a Christ follower, how can you be a witness of Jesus love to your family -- even if they don’t know Him?Ps. 51:7-122 Cor. 5:15-18Mark 5:2,6-19

My World

Todd Stocker


Description:Jesus was the perfect model of reaching the world, one life at a time. He knew his mission was to be the savior of the world but over and over again, he’d take time to pour into one person. That is the model that we as a church and as people of God should emulate as we seek to follow Christ in all things. Is. 52:7-10Acts 1:1-8John 4:34-42

Whats the Difference

Todd Stocker


Description:When people are different from us, we often place them in categories or assume they are a certain way. If Jesus came to be the bridge for all people, how can we cross our bridges to engage others?Isaiah 56:1-81 Corinthians 9:19-23Matthew 15:15-28

Troubled Waters

Tim Booth


Description:Jesus baptism seems unnecessary since he was sinless. So why was Jesus baptized and what bridge does his baptism create for you? Is 42:1-9 Rom 6:1-11Matt 3:13-17

For All

Jack Jorgensen


Description:Jesus is the bridge between God and man, regardless of nationality. This is the example we see in the wise men and their gifts. Jesus is came to die for all and there is no blocking access to the bridge who is Jesus Christ. No matter what your past, no matter what you status, God’s love through Jesus is your bridge. Is 63:7-14Romans 3:9,20-24Matt 2:1-12

Once For All

Todd Stocker


Description:Can you imagine if you received a notice from your mortgage company that said someone paid off your house debt -- in full? The Advent King came to pay of so much more!Is. 11:1–10*Heb. 7:18-28Matt. 24:36–44