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Adult Sunday School classes are offered during the 9:15 AM hour.


The College and Career Ministry of Garden Chapel exists to give singles out of high school an opportunity to grow in Christ through fellowship, Bible Study, prayer and service.

Our in-home fellowship time consists of guys and girls who are longing to draw closer to God. This unique setting allows for an intimate time of worship, in-depth Bible study, discussion, and strengthening personal friendships.

Group 1 (C2): More career than college, this group meets each Sunday evening at 7:30.

Group 2 (Equip): More college than career, this group of young adults (just out of highschool & into their early 20's) meets each Sunday evening at 7:30. Facebook page


In Philippians 2:3-5, Christ reminds us that we are to look to the interest and needs of others just as He did while on earth.

The Ladies’ Ministries of Garden Chapel have a variety of opportunities to fulfill this call. We offer meals and visits to families in need. Cards of encouragement and handmade Christmas gifts are sent to our missionary ladies. The ladies also serve by overseeing the set up for various church functions such as the annual picnic, Christmas caroling refreshments and the Sweetheart Banquet. A Ladies’ Christmas Party, the Mother-Daughter Banquet and Ladies’ Nights Out afford women special times of fellowship.

At varying times throughout the year there are Bible Studies or Sunday School classes held specifically for ladies.

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