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prayer trail

This is the Way of the Cross, the traditional Episcopal version of the Stations of the Cross found in the Book of Occasional Services. It is designed to be used in a group, but is easily adapted for use by an individual.

Prayers for Good Friday

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These prayers are taken from the Good Friday worship service in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. They include the Solemn Collects.

Prayers for Those in Need

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A series of prayers from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Pray for those in physical and emotional need.

Prayers for Those We Love

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These prayers also come from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Pray for at least 14 different persons you know. Pray for the people these prayers bring to mind.

This is a series of fourteen prayers from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer about and for other people. Pray for those you love, those in need and those across the world.

This is a series of fourteen prayers from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer about and for the person who is praying. Pray for peace, pray for guidance, pray for direction.

Another series of prayers from the Book of Common Prayer. These prayers focus on giving thanks in any and all circumstances.

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