Lakeside Christian Church - Love. Care. Communicate. logo


Welcome to Lakeside Christian Church! Wherever you find yourself on the journey of life and faith, we trust that you will find fellow-travelers at Lakeside.

We are a diverse group of people committed to a three-fold journey. We are on an upward journey, personally developing our relationship with God and collectively meeting to worship God (Love). We are on an inward journey, enjoying community with one another and growing in maturity of faith (Care). And we are on an outward journey, sharing the good news through spreading the message of the gospel and serving others in Jesus' name (Communicate). We commit ourselves to this three-fold journey because we believe that God in Christ has already reached down to humanity.

Lakeside is not a destination. It is not a place where all of your questions will be answered or all of your needs will be met. It is a place, however, where the journey of your faith will be affirmed and encouraged; a place where fellow-travelers will point forward to a greater reality and future hope of a reconciled humanity in a restored creation with Jesus forever.

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