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Planting with us

Getting Started

The First Four Steps

We are excited about our vision to have 100 new churches by 2020, and we are on our way! If you are thinking about planting, or mothering a new church, here are your first 4 steps to take.

1.Contact Chris Hansler at the Pacific Planting network

Email: Phone: 253.310.5794

2.Fill out the Application for Church Planting Candidacy

This will give us initial information about the planter, ministry history, references, and a glimpse into the idea for the new church.

Find it HERE (Word Version) or HERE (PDF)

3.Attend the Church Planter’s Assessment Center

This is a 3 day assessment to find a candidate’s best ministry fit. It is after this assessment that we determine whether the candidate is ready for planting, and whether this will be a supported church plant by the PPN.

4.Begin a relationship with a coach in the Pacific Planting Network. This coach will provide invaluable support, resources and accountability for at least 24 months.

We want every person who feels called to plant to have the greatest possible chance at fruitfulness and support, so we put significant energy and resources into the early stages of assessment. So if you’re interested, take the first 4 steps!

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