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Health education CLASSES

Diabetes 101: This class is designed for newly diagnosed and first time type 2 diabetic patients. The class outlines the basics of diabetes as an epidemic, risk factors, testing and psychological response to diagnosis. Classes are every Tuesday from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM.

Yo Si Puedo! Controlar mi diabetes: This class is designed for newly diagnosed and first time type 2 diabetic patients. The class, completely taught in Spanish, is culturally adapted to the Hispanic community. It is very dynamic because patients participate by interacting in different activities designed to learn. Classes are held 3 times a year (Spring, Summer & Fall).

Do well Be well!: This class is designed for newly diagnosed and first time type 2 diabetic patients. This 5 week program is aimed at helping diabetic patients control the disease and reduce risk for complication and obtain the highest possible level of wellness. Classes are held 3 times a year (Spring, Summer & Fall).

Three Easy Bites and Get the Facts: This course is open to all patients. This 6 week course helps participants understand the impact of starting a day with breakfast, snacking appropriately and having a healthy plate during the day. Classes are held twice a year.

Heart 101: This class is designed for hypertensive, hyperlipidemia, obese patients. This illustrative class teaches cholesterol and hypertension principles, importance of exercise and nutrition, and engages the participant to make an appointment wih nutritionist counseling at the end. Classes are held every Tuesday from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM.

Nutrition: This class is designed for patients with diabetes, hypertension, obesity, mineral or vitamin deficiency. Each appointment is custom designed to fit the needs of a particular patient and their health condition. Appointments are held every Tuesday at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 2PM.

Kick It!! Smoking Cessation: This class is designed for active and social cigarette smokers with a desire to quit. The Freshstart program helps participants understand basic nicotine addition, examine how smoking affects health and gives reasons to quit. Classes are held 3 times a year (Spring, Summer & Fall).

COPD/Asthma/Lung Class: This class is designed for COPD, Asthma patients and their families. This short class describes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma to participants. Classes are held the last Thursday of each month, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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