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Nursery (Wee JAM)

P83 is the name of our birth -12th grade ministries. Studies have shown that of all Christians who have accepted Christ, 83% did so before the age of 18. This is why children and youth are so important to God and so important to this church.

We offer Nursery, Wee JAM (Jesus And Me), ministry during our 10:30 am services so that parents can come and enjoy the main service. Every care is given and provided for your children to have the safest and healthiest experience at church. Wee JAM is for ages 0-4yrs.

During each service, children are able to explore the Bible and complete various crafts which are related to the biblical lesson of that Sunday. Our teachers encourage and engage each child with play activities and integrated teaching styles.

Our Nursery is truly a safe place for our children to attend as mom and dad participate in the main service.

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