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212GENERATION (12-24)

212generation is the Student Ministry at Crossroads Church, in Belton, TX. It consists of ages 12-18 collectively on Wednesday nights. 212 refers to the temperature at which water boils. We as Christians are called to be HOT/ ON FIRE for GOD. We relate our lives to water; when it boils it is purified, it is being boiled for a purpose, it is not stagnant, it has a HEAT source!!! When we are boiling for God we are purified, we have a purpose, we are alive and moving, and we have a heat source (The HOLY SPIRIT)!!! Let's be a thermostat and raise the temperature, not a thermometer that sits back and monitors the temperature.

Titus 2:12 And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasure. We should live in this evil world with self-control, right conduct, and devotion to GOD.

212GEN Meets every Wednesday @ 6:45 in The Sanctuary.

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