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So you’ve heard about Crossroads Church, and you are a little curious. Please know we will make every effort to make sure your first experience is worry-free. We look forward to connecting with you and becoming friends. Here are some things that you can expect when visiting Crossroads.

Service Times

Belton Campus

  • Sunday 10:30am
  • Wednesday 7pm
  • Killeen Campus

  • Sunday 9am
  • Wednesday 7pm
  • Put your comfortable clothes on

    Leave that tie on the rack and consider wearing jeans. What you wear doesn't get in the way of worshipping God.

    Park your car & relax

    Click here for a map to Crossroads Church (Belton Campus)to make your trip nice and smooth. When you enter the Church let one of the welcome team members know that you are a guest, and recieve a special gift from our Welcome Center.

    The Lobby

    Once you walk through the front doors, you get to make your first big decision of the day. Do I get coffee now, or should I bring my children to the kid's area? If you are a college student or single, it is a no-brainer. Skip the next step and grab a cup of coffee. There will be volunteers ready to serve you and answer any questions you have. We would love to connect with you and get to know you as more than just a face with a nice smile. We hope that you plan to take some time before and after service to meet some new people.

    Route 35 Kids:

    Take the most important people in the building to the child check-in area. Our best volunteers are helping with our little ones so you can focus on having a great experience in the service. All of our leaders have been background checked and are involved in leadership training. Our leaders will give 100% of their care while making it a fun experience to learn lessons from the Bible.

    Early Childhood (Birth – Pre K)

  • Leaving your baby with a stranger can be tough, that is why we have made every effort to make it comfortable and safe. When checking in your baby and bag, you will receive a tag with your name and a number. Please do not lose the tag as it will be the way to pick up your child. Should we need your assistance, we will place your number on the screen in the main sanctuary.
  • Kindergarten – 5th

  • This will be the best time of your kid’s day. They will laugh, sing, dance, and learn with new friends and amazing leaders. Our goal is to help you lead your child to become a life long follower of Christ. Since we only have one hour with them a week, we will often give you tools to help with ideas and get you talking at home. Kids deserve our best and know we believe in them. Caring team leaders will make sure every kid feels welcomed and is connecting to other students.
  • Worship

    We have worked hard to provide you with an experience where you can connect with God. Beginning at 10:30am, the band plays a relevant style of music that you will enjoy. Their passion for God is contagious. Words will be on the screen for you to follow. You may see some people expressing their love for God by closing their eyes, clapping, and even raising their hands. We believe in worshipping God in spirit and in truth and you can express that however you feel most comfortable.


    Lead Pastor, Matt Thrasher, has a style that is relational and to the point. He is passionate about how the Bible leads us into truth as well as inspires our every day living. We use video, music, drama and other creative methods to make learning interesting for you.

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