Northwest Hills Community Church :: Torrington, CT logo



Our Worship Gatherings are designed to be deeply meaningful for followers of Jesus and be welcoming to those who are just checking things out. So, come as you are and get to know us. We want to get to know you, too.

Our church is relaxed, relevant, and real (or at least we try to be). We try to create an atmosphere that is relaxed; a "come as you are" atmosphere where you can wear a pair of jeans or your "Sunday best" and feel welcomed just the same.

Our music has a contemporary flavor; although, we don't limit ourselves to music written in our lifetimes. We want to make full use of great music throughout history. Nevertheless, the sound is present-day so that it engages our ears and our hearts.

We not only enjoy great music, but we listen to relevant messages from the Bible. We believe that the Bible isn't just an old dusty piece of literature, but a dynamic love letter from God to us. Our pastor is easy to listen to, and he delivers messages that deal with life -- our relationship with God and our relationships with others.

We are also real. We are moms and dads, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, workers, and caregivers. Above all, we are in it together seeking the best of life through a close relationship with Jesus.

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