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About Us

Sundays-What to Expect

Here's a sneak peek as to what to expect at CCOTL:

At Calvary Chapel, we invite you to come as you are. The songs are contemporary and the dress is relaxed. We are blessed to have an audience with the Loving Father that Jesus has made possible by making us righteous before Him.

We sing for about 15-20 minutes, then open our Bibles and learn verse by verse, so bring your Bible if you have one. If you don't, we'd be honored to give you one.

We believe that the Word of God is living, active and speaks to us today. We strive to be active, attentive listeners and disciples of Jesus, our Teacher. We spend time at the end of the Bible study seeking application that we might be doers of the Word, not just hearers only. We end with a short time of application and singing.

Come early or stay late and make some new friends!

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