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Monday Morning Prayer

Every Monday morning, from 6 am- 6:45 am, some faithful prayer warriors meet at CCOTL in room 7, to give God glory, and pray for the church. Now, even if you can't be with us physically, you can join us LIVE as we pray for the church.

We'll add your phone # to a group text list, and then beginning about 6:05 a.m., you'll receive text messages like "Quiet times", "Small Groups", "Families..." So that you can pray in real time with us. Two things, though:

  • Please join us IN PERSON if you're able. :)
  • Texts are one way only at this time. Church> you.
  • Please don't text and drive.
  • To sign up text your name, "Let's pray" to 407 243-8335

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