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I. Group Life -

Here is a description of the options available to anyone! That means absolutely invite your friends and neighbors! For a current bulletin check the document download page.

II. Needs Box - A new ministry to meet other people's needs is currently being implemented. Follow this link to submit a need.

II. Weekly Services

a. Sabbath Services 9:30am Bible Study



- IN STEP WITH JESUS- New Members' Bible Study

c. Worship 10:54. Why the strange time? To make sure you remember it and are here ready to be reminded HOW GOOD HE IS!

III. Children's Ministries

a. Adventurers

A ministry for young children and their families!

b. Children's Church

Currently once a quarter, this is a special event for children

c. Pathfinders

Part of the nationwide organization for young people. A giant camporee with over 40,000 people will be held this August in Oshkosh Wisconsin!

d. Volunteers Working with Minors

Please finish the background registration and the online training! We have just a few who have not completed the important training and background check.

4. External Focus

a. Needs - Know someone in need - A new ministry to meet other people's needs is currently being implemented. Needs Box" TARGET="_blank">Follow this link to submit a need.

b. 4Tucson


d. Bangladesh cries for help

Before leaving Dhaka, I was of course visited by several different individuals asking if we could sponsor them or find sponsors for their continued studies. Attached please find a copy of the letter, and a picture of the young lady.

It is very true that sponsoring a student does not cost a great deal of actual money. If you have a specific interest please contact pastor Jim.

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