Penrith Church of Christ logo



Penrith Church of Christ is a non profit organisation funded by the generosity of the people who attend.

If you would like to donate or give there is an opportunity at our weekend services or you can make a deposit directly into our bank acocunt

ACCOUNT NAME: Penrith Church of Christ

BSB: 032271


Your contribution enables us to fulfill our vision, run programs and support our community. We believe the words of the Bible, that it is more blessed to give than to receive. These words seem crazy, yet we often feel better about life when we are able to be generous. Our perspective changes when we realise the power generosity has in our own lives as well as others.

If you would like to support our community work, you are able to do this through our parent organisation Careworks.

Once you are on the website you will find "Picking up the Pieces" and "Women in Need" in the drop down box.

This will identify the donation as coming to us. You are able to make a one off donation, or a regular ongoing donation.

Thanks for partnering with us in supporting the Penrith community. Together we can make a difference.

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