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4 things

When you experience a Sunday morning at Church it’s easy to sit with other people in the auditorium and think, “How would I ever get involved here?” And the question is a fair one. You were designed for more than just sitting in rows and taking in all that a Sunday has to offer. You were made to fully invest in a group of people, to have a home where you belong. You want to meet people! We’ve designed our Sunday experience in such a way that guests like you can come and be anonymous on a Sunday morning, sit in our services for a while and check everything out, but when you’re ready to take the next step, we want to help you do that. It’s not a complicated process. We say if you really want to plug in, there are really only 4 things a fully invested individual at our Church does:

Connect in a small group

Contribute as part of a team

Give to the mission

Invite friends who aren’t here yet

The benefits are overwhelming for the individual, but, collectively, when the church is filled with people joyfully living out these four things, nothing can stop us influencing our cities. They’re four simple things that not only give the church momentum, but catapult your faith too. Take a minute today and read about each one.

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