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Sister2Sister (S2S) is part of the women's ministry at Churches of Christ Penrith.

S2S is for women & girls of all ages.

We are passionate about seeing women walk in their God-given potential. We believe in passing the baton onto the next generation and equipping them to walk in God's plans & purposes and we are committed to social justice. Our events are planned with these goals in mind.

We warmly welcome anyone who wants to come along to our events!

If you want more details please contact the office and we will let you know when our next event will be.

The Craft Connection is another part of our women's ministry.

On Thursday mornings from 9.30am - 12noon, we have a wonderful group of women who meet and make amazing craft items!

They share a cuppa and a time of purposeful conversation called the "Think Spot."

At the end of each term, they have a special lunch together.

It's a great opportunity to meet other women, get new ideas and have a bit of fun!

Please contact the Church office or (02) 4721 3640 for more details.

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