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The Rainbow Choir, for adults and youth, rehearses Thursday nights (6:30-8pm) and sings in worship three Sundays a month between September and May. The choir also presents occasional concerts and participates in district choral events. An innovative feature of the choir is the website, which provides audio files with the voice parts and accompaniment so you can rehearse at home:


The Rainbow Ringers Handbell Choir, for adults and youth, rehearses Tuesday nights (6:30-8pm) and performs in worship on the 3rd Sundays every October through June, under the direction of Karen Carlisle. No prior musical experience of any kind is necessary to join. If you can count and know your right hand from your left hand (we can help you with those skills), you are welcome.


The Samoan Choir, for adults and high school students, usually rehearses twice a week and sings in the Samoan language worship services on Sundays at 2pm. This choir leads worship in the combined English-Samoan service on first Sundays every month, under the direction of Christine Fuaava.

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