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As you begin to prepare for summer please consider the opportunity to serve at Lincoln Lake over Memorial Day Weekend. Every year the ministry at Lincoln Lake relies on valuable volunteers to help maintain the camp on Memorial and Labor Day weekends. We have a variety of projects for all ages and skill levels. We invite you, your families and your friends to join us for a weekend of work, play and fellowship. The opportunity to serve with your strengths and abilities is rewarding to the camp and yourself. This year the dates will be Friday at 10am to Saturday at 6pm. We will provide all meals.

We are looking for planners and doers. The staff here at Lincoln Lake is looking for two types of people those that can lead and those that can serve. We realize that some people are more skilled than others when it comes to building and fixing. We need individuals that can step up and take leadership for specific projects and rallying a team to complete the tasks at hand. We also need people that can be teamed with these leaders to help accomplish the jobs.

If you are interested in being a leader for one of the jobs included on the list below please contact Tom Shaw @ or call him at 616-984-2125 Please let Tom know if you plan on attending so he can prepare for you as best as we can.

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