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Music is at the heart of the church’s worship! Choirs, ensembles and band serve to support and enliven worship as we sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. St Luke’s offers a wide range of musical opportunities for all ages, each with a variety of ways to use music and song to lead God’s people in worship.

Want to get involved? Contact Kim Cramer, our Director of Music.

Bells of St. Luke:

Our adult Handbell Choir meets every Monday evening from September through April. Since 2001, the choir has been ringing music to the glory of God with five octaves of Malmark handbells and handchimes. Mostly, the choir rings during Sunday and holiday worship services; however, the choir has performed concerts at various times and venues throughout its eleven year history. Handbell rehearsals begin September 9 in the Worship Center.

Praise Band:

Singers and instrumentalists in the Praise Band take on a commitment to learn, practice, and lead the congregation in contemporary worship. We are always in the need for additional guitarists, keyboardists, drummers and singers who are willing to lead with enthusiam. Contact Kip Fox, Praise and Worship leader.

Celebration Singers:

This musical group usually assists in leading the 8:00AM traditional worship service on the third Sunday of every month. Rehearsals are generally on the 3rd Saturday of each month, though rehearsals are somewhat flexible, all singers high school age through adults are invited to join.

Chancel Choir:

The Chancel Choir sings to the glory of God at the 8:00AM service and also additional services during Christmas, Lent, and Easter. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM. Singers high school age through adult are invited.


From percussion to brass, woodwinds and strings, various groups and individuals are needed throughout the year to assist in leading the song in our worship and accompanying choral groups or soloists. Instrumentalists of all ages are welcome.

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