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Arcadia Community Kids

Arcadia Community Kids!

Our Children's Ministry mission is to lay a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, establish Christ-like communities, and grow in love for one another by studying the Word of God, playing together, and living out faith at home and in daily life.

On Sunday Mornings:

We have an electronic sign in system. Please visit the Children's Ministry table found in the lobby of the Sanctuary before church to sign your children in.

  • Preschool (Infants - 5 yrs): Our preschool aged children meet in the preschool building. Drop them off there before the service (10:15-10:30am) and pick them up when the service is over.
  • Elementary (1st - 5th grade): Elementary School children join you in the Sanctuary for worship and are dismissed to have a special lesson in Room 18/19. You can pick them up after the service upstairs in Room 18/19.
  • Fun Friday:

    Fun Friday + is an event that happens every other month. It is a time for parents to drop their children off at the church while parents get a night for themselves. The event is Fridays from 5:00pm - 8:30pm. We play games, serve dinner, make a craft, have a Bible lesson and watch a movie. It is a fun time for kids to spend with their friends while parents get a night to go on a date or just relax at home. For more information call our church office: (626) 445-7470 or email the Children's Director, Melissa DeSurra:

    Melissa DeSurra - Director of Children's Ministries

    (626) 445-7470

    Amanda Ritiau - Coordinator of Preschool Ministries

    (626) 445-7470

    COME VISIT US! We'd love to meet you!

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