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Who We Are

Mission Statement:

APC is a community of believers who are "welcoming people on a spiritual journey to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ."

What We Believe:

We believe that the ultimate reality of the universe is that there is a God, that there is something bigger than us, and that we can know this God. We gather regularly to study, share and celebrate the reality of this God in our lives, touching us in unexpected ways in unanticipated circumstances, both in our joys and our difficulties.

We gather in groups to talk to each other, to hear from God, to pray together, and to serve others. We believe that God has a purpose for this world and for us that is good.

We believe this purpose transcends time and includes the ordinary and the extraordinary parts of all of our lives. We understand God's purpose in living beyond ourselves, by serving others and thereby finding out more about who God made us to be and how God is in the business of shaping each of us.

We believe this God has a name, Jesus, Father, Spirit, Yahweh, Bread of Life, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Comforter…

We are on a journey to discover our part of this story, to see how ancient stories and happenings touch ordinary lives and unfold for us today, and to understand what might be possible in this life for each of us.

There is an open invitation here to everyone who wants to explore these deeper meanings of life.

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