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Adult Sunday School

Sundays, 9:00 - 10:00am in Adoration Chapel

Celebrate Recovery

Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:30pm | All are invited

CELEBRATE RECOVERY (CR) is a safe place to encourage others to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. By working steps and applying Biblical principles, we see spiritual growth and healing from our hurts, habits and hang-ups. This freedom creates joy, peace, a stronger personal relationship with others and our loving and forgiving higher power, Jesus Christ. Childcare provided.

Women! Rejoice!

3rd Sunday of the month following the service

This is a women's event that happens in the Fellowship Lounge. There is a lunch and fun activities. Childcare provided upon request. Contact Lynda Conner.


Mondays, 8 am meet at the Church

Do you like to ride your bike? Then Amblers is the group for you! Join them on Mondays for a bike ride and This group will accommodate to your level of difficulty. Contact Darrel Sager for more information.

Joy of Living

Tuesdays, 9:30am in the Conference Room

This is a women's bible study. Contact LaVerne Robinson to get more information.

Sparks Fellowship

2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall

This is a monthly meeting that includes dinner and a guest speaker. If you are interested in becoming a member or would like more information contact Darrel Sager.

Prayer & Praise -

Wednesdays, 9 - 10 am in the Conference Room (Connected to the Sanctuary)

This group spends time every week to pray for those in need at the church as well as celebrate the praises our congregants have experienced.

Presbyterian Women

4th Thursday (every other month) 11am in Fellowship Hall

Join this Women's Luncheon to hear from a guest speaker and guest musical performers. Men are welcome. Presbyterian Women has their first meeting of the year in September and is every other month following that. To get more info contact Anna Greenhalgh.

Men's Bible Study

Saturdays, 7:30 - 9 am in Room 12

A time for men to open up their Bibles together and dig deeper into the word. For more information contact the church office.


3rd Saturday

Join Ken Saffreneck and a group as he leads you on a narrated hike throughout different locations in the San Gabriel Valley. Contact Ken for more information.

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