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About Us


Welcome to the website of the Church of God at Lothian, Maryland! We hope that you find all the information you need about the church, our staff, ministries and schedule.

Over the past few years, the world has experienced great sufferings from disasters, war, financial matters and the like. It is our sincere prayer and hope that the world would turn from its ways and seek God's face and then that God would heal our land.

Thank you for visiting our web site. If you are looking for a church home or a place to visit when you are in the southern Maryland area, we hope that you will choose the Church of God. We are a church that seek to "make a difference" in individual lives and families as we prepare ourselves for a prepared place - heaven.

We hope to see you at the Church of God at Lothian, I believe it is a great place to be!

May God Bless You,

Pastor Derek Hawkins, Sr.

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