Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Naperville logo

Children, Youth, Adults


Jesus models for us the importance of spiritual growth, as it energized his own earthly ministry. In addition, Martin Luther who was both priest and professor, encouraged individuals and families to study scripture and discuss its meaning for their every day lives. As a faith community committed to following Jesus, and in the heritage of the Lutheran church, we strive to provide multiple opportunities for Christ followers to do the same.

The purpose of Adult Ministries is to equip people to develop as disciples with an integrated faith. What's a "disciple"? A disciple is a follower of Christ who seeks to grow in trust of God through learning, prayer, worship and service. There are many opportunities to grow in your faith in various ways.

  • Small Groups - Small groups have been developed to experience life the way God intended in community.
  • Exploring Our Faith - Re-Imagining the Church.
  • Women’s Ministries - We offer opportunities for women of all generations to grow in faith, including Bible studies, small groups, serving opportunities, retreats and events.
  • Men’s Ministries - We offer opportunities for men to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, including Men’s Breakfasts, retreats, small groups and Bible study.
  • Take 2! - This program is designed to help you gain insights about yourself and discover opportunities for continued productive growth.
  • Feel free to contact us at 630-355-2522 for more information about these ministries for adults.

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