Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Naperville logo

Children, Youth, Adults

Career Transition

The Career Transition Workshop will give you practical, down-to-earth information integrated with Scriptural insight to help you in your job search, career decision, or in career planning activity.

Over the eight week series, you will sharpen your understanding of the talents, skills and abilities God has given you, assess the strengths of your educational and work experience, and learn to target the career that is right for you. Sessions are conducted in an informal and personalized format. Classes include Bible-oriented vocational approaches, as well as practical job search instruction. The course is presented by a dedicated team of professionals who share a strong commitment to serve others in the community seeking career transition support. With the workbook as the core, presenters guide us through a typical transition process offering tips and tools to make the process easier to manage. The program is faith based, upbeat, and filled with interaction. The basis of the program is to recognize that “Our Best Work is Ahead of Us". Participants will receive a Career Transition “Work Book” as a continuing resource, as well as weekly written handouts.

Who Should Attend?

  • Those who are out of work or concerned about the possibility of losing their jobs.
  • Those who wonder whether they might be in the wrong job altogether and would like to find more meaning in their work.
  • For more information, contact the church at 630-355-2522 or email or Tom Schneider at tjschndr@aol.com.

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