Resurrection Presbyterian Church logo



Resurrection Presbyterian Church began to meet in a home for Sunday evening Bible studies in October 2007, and then rented a local church building (thank you, Elim Evangelical Free Church!) from January through May 2008 for evening worship. In May 2008, RPC moved to its current rental facility, Summit United Methodist Church (thank you, SUMC!).

We are a congregation of about 140 souls, made up of people from all walks of life. We are single, married, widowed, and divorced; young couples just starting out and empty nesters; teachers, medical professionals, stay-at-home moms, military families, students, farmers, engineers, sales professionals, skilled workers in a variety of industries from construction to aircraft maintenance.

We would love for "our story" and "your story" to cross paths and maybe become part of the same story that God is writing. Feel free to let us know if you have questions about our church's history.

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