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We are committed to being a church that helps people grow as followers of Christ. We want to be a place that equips believers to have the character and competence to fulfill the various callings God has given them. To that end we hope to nurture God's people in the faith so they grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. One Reformed theologian, Edmund Clowney, put it this way: "The goal of nurture is to know the Lord, to do the Lord's will, and to be like the Lord."

Our vision of a growing disciple is someone who is continually refreshed and energized by the gospel of God's grace, marveling at the riches of God's mercy, and trusting everything to His Fatherly providence. A disciple is someone who is learning more each day about what it means to embrace a costly, at times uncomfortable but ultimately satisfying life of holiness and sacrificial love, seeking first God's kingdom.

Some of the ways people are learning and growing together at RPC include:

1. Saturday morning men's reading group. Dale Rogers leads this group, which meets once a month at the church office to discuss the book The Prodigal God, by Tim Keller. The If you'd like more information contact Dale at 206-390-1681 or email him at

2. Women's Bible study. Tracy Teixeira is currently leading a study on how to be a faithful Christian in a pluralistic culture, using materials from Redeemer PCA in New York. The group meets Wednesday evenings at 7pm. For more information, you can contact Tracy at 253-590-3098 or

3. Community Groups. More information here.

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