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We believe God has gifted every single person in the congregation to serve others with gifts, talents, and resources. A key passage for us is Ephesians 4.11-16 which describes the "equipping" of the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, and speaks of "each part working properly." Every single person has an indispensable role to play. We are all called to serve one another, because Christ has served us and set us free that we might walk in love.

In the regular course of church life, this serving one another can take many different forms. You might be gifted at leading or hosting a community group, or playing a musical instrument in worship, or helping teach our children in Sunday School. Perhaps your gift is making good Sunday coffee! Or helping with preparing the sanctuary for worship, or helping with the sound system. We can always use a hand in the nursery. We're also hoping to put in place a team of people to make RPC a welcoming and hospitable place for visitors on Sundays. From preparing coffee to helping newcomers navigate their way around the church, we want people to feel welcome. We are also in the process of starting a Sunday morning prayer team, to gather before worship to ask God for HIs blessing and presence in the service.

If you are interested in serving in any of these ways, please contact our church administrator, Janet Lowen at

Would you like to use your musical or singing gifts as part of our worship services? Please let our music director, Erik Eklund, know. You can reach him at

Also, we have a women's ministry team that leads efforts with providing meals for those who are in need, as well as coordinating wedding and baby showers, in addition to their leadership in the area of helping women connect through various fellowship events throughout the year. If you'd like to learn more about any of these efforts, please contact Sonja Hayter at 253-640-2574.

Through love serve one another.

—Galatians 5:13

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