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We love having children present in worship! We encourage parents to help their children learn to engage in the various parts of the liturgy. Even very young children can be taught to join in the gestures and postures of worship, e.g. kneeling, raising their hands, or saying the corporate “amen” with God’s people.

We realize each child and family is different and we want to meet your unique needs. We offer nursery care during the service for infants and young children. We are happy to accomodate needs for older children, too, especially if you are visiting or single parenting. Please let us know how we can best support you and your family.

If you have any questions, please contact Diana Lee for more information about childcare, or to volunteer as a care provider. You can get in touch with Diana at:

If you have questions about our Sunday School program for children, you can contact Diane Wisdom at 253-370-7900 or email her:

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