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Painted into History

St. Paul's was recently contacted by the St. Louis Art Museum, asking if the church depicted in this painting by James Barre Turnbull might possibly be our church. The Museum's documentation stated that it was "painted at a Lutheran Church on Manchester Rd. near St. Louis." The painting is part of the Museum's collection.

St. Paul's church historian, Don Meyer, was able to find photos of the old church circa 1934, which show the red brick, the steeple, the windows, the decoration above the door. Don's wife, Vivian, remembered the houses located around the church that were depicted in the painting.

There's no word yet as to when or if the James Turnbull painting will be exhibited at the St. Louis Art Museum, but we'll keep you informed if we receive news. For a larger image, check the July-August 2016 issue of The Messenger.

If you'd like to explore more of the church's history, contact Don Meyer through the church office.

James Barre Turnbull, American, 1909-1976; The Church Supper, 1934;

Tempera on plywood; 36 1/4 x 30 5/16 inches;

Saint Louis Art Museum, Gift of Mrs. James Barre Turnbull 1894:1981

© Estate of James Barre Turnbull

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