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St. Paul's has a vibrant and active women's ministry. On this page scroll down to find more information about Women's Events, MOPS, Apples of Gold, Moms in Prayer International, Nursing and Nurturing, LWML, Women's Bible studies, Pilates and Quilting.

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is for all moms with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. St. Paul's MOPS group offers a caring atmosphere where a mom is reminded that she is not alone, has an opportunity to share concerns, make friends, explore areas of creativity and more. MOPS is led by mothers for mothers, with the addition of three Mentor Moms who have "been there, done that."

We begin each 2-hour MOPS meeting with a homemade breakfast and talk time. Then we feature a guest speaker, Mentor mom devotion, occasional make-and-take craft projects, other fun activities, and time to visit with other women just like you. During meetings, children enjoy a safe, nurturing childcare program. Outside meetings, we plan play dates, field trips to St. Louis attractions, family picnics and our popular Mom's Night Out. MOPS meets from 9:00 to 11:00am on the first and third Thursdays, during the school year, beginning September 15.

No matter where you live, or where your church is (or if you have no church home) -- you are invited to join our MOPS group at St. Paul's. Click here for more information about our group. Click here to register!


As mothers enter the school years, new challenges and issues arise, but the need for community and hope remains. For this reason we offer MOMSnext, a ministry to mothers of school-age kids. Join other mothers of children in 1st-8th Grade to experience authentic community, personal growth, practical help and spiritual hope. This group will meet on the 2nd or 4th Thursdays of each month, rotating between day and evening to accommodate family schedules. Childcare is available upon request. Call the church office for more details.

Apples of Gold

Apples of Gold is an eight-week nurturing program for women offered during the fall season each year and is based on Titus 2:3-5 (kindness, loving your husband, loving your children, submission, purity and hospitality).

Apples of Gold is a unique intergenerational women's mentoring program. Mentors reach out to other women with love, compassion and wisdom from God's Word. They also share their life experiences, and give instruction in such vital skills as cooking and meal planning. This relationship builds a strong bond of love and appreciation between generations. By equipping women to lovingly and supportively train other women through biblical lessons and a weekly sharing time together, Apples of Gold preserves traditional values. It rebuilds marriage relationships, offers insight on overwhelming parent-child relationships and emphasizes the importance of spiritual development. Join other women for eight weeks in Apples of Gold and you'll be blessed as you grow in your love for God, your family, and others. If you have any questions, contact: Sharon Shearman. For more information about the national Apples of Gold organization, visit their website.

Moms in Prayer International

Mothers of St. Paul’s School students are invited to take a few moments to meet with other St. Paul’s moms to pray for their child/children, teachers, and school concerns. When Christian moms unite in prayer - burdens become lighter, faith expands, hope and peace are renewed, and strength to persevere in prayer increases. We meet every Monday (unless school is closed) in the Church Ministries Building, LL4, at 8:00am. If you have interest in an evening group, please contact the church office. For more information about this awesome prayer group, contact Laurie Barnett.

Nursing and Nurturing

Are you pregnant? A new mom? A mom with small children? Trying to get breastfeeding to work out? Join our Christian discussion and support group, called Nursing and Nurturing, as we talk about breastfeeding issues and mothering in general. Twice a month we will gather to share ideas, concerns, support, and prayer requests. We meet on the 2nd Friday of the month at 9:30am, and the 4th Thursday at 6:00pm in the Lounge.

"Attachment Parenting" encourages emotional responsiveness with your babies and children as they grow. You may have an enthusiasm or curiosity about some of these topics or maybe just one, like nursing. Rest assured that our atmosphere is open and inviting, and all moms are welcome. Children attend with mom, and play while mothers talk. Click here for more information.

St. Paul's Afternoon Guild - LWML

St. Paul's Afternoon Guild meets the second Tuesday of the month (September through May) in Fellowship Hall. Fellowship begins with coffee and dessert at 12:30pm and the meeting begins at 1:00pm (Baby-sitting will be provided with advanced notice of need). Click here for additional information.

About LWML . . .

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML), with a membership of over 250,000, is the official women's organization of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The LWML focuses on affirming each woman in her relationship with Christ to enable her to be in ministry among the people of the world. For over 60 years the organization has been encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to financially support global missions. Visit their website by clicking here.


Have a passion for quilting? Join us every Monday morning at 9:00am to help us create our works of art!

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