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Vacation Bible School

Registration Now Open!

Dates: June 5-9, 2017

Time: 9am-12noon

Ages: 3 years old to 6th Grade

*Children must be potty trained

**Grade your child just completed

Cost: $5 per child ($10 after May 29)

At Mighty Fortress VBS, children will learn that in Jesus, the victory is won!

“Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

VBS Child Registration - Click Here

(Select "Participant Registration" in red in the upper left-hand corner of the page)

VBS Payment - $5 Per Child ($10 after May 29)

Be sure to register before May 29 to receive early-bird pricing. After you have registered online, you may pay in any of the following ways listed below. (Be sure to include child(ren)'s name(s) with your check. You may write one check for all registered children in the family. Thank you.)

1) Mail to:

St. Paul's Lutheran Church, c/o VBS

12345 Manchester Road

Des Peres, MO 63131

2) Drop off to church office.

3) Visit VBS table at Fellowship Breakfast (9:00 to 9:30am in the school gym) on Sundays in May.

4) Pay online via St. Paul's secure credit card processing service. (St. Paul's has no record of any of your financial information; we only receive a confirmation that you have paid.) Remember that paying online is not the same as registering, so please be sure to check your email for a registration confirmation for each child.


Pay Online Now - Click Here

Once in the on-line payment form:

On the "Donations" page, choose "Registration Fee" by filling in the amount ($5 per child). In the box next to the amount, type "VBS".

Click "Continue"

Complete your name and address.

Choose "Account"--Checking, Savings, or Credit/Debit Card and fill in information.

Click "Process"

VBS Volunteer Registration - Click Here

(Select "Volunteer Registration" in red in the upper left-hand corner of the page)

You can make a difference! We need many volunteers to make our VBS successful. If you can help some days, just one day, every day, or in advance...we'd love to hear from you! Childcare is available for on-site volunteers' children under three years old. Register online using above link or contact Heidi Heimlich, at 636-825-1477 or

VBS Music CD $5:

2017 VBS Music CDs will be available for purchase for $5 each at Fellowship Breakfast starting in May and during the week of VBS, while supplies last.

Snack Donations

For a printable flyer of our requested snack donations - Click Here

Please drop off donations before June 5 to marked box in narthex (lobby), or bring to VBS June 5-9.

Snack Food Donation Requests:

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish / Bag of fresh apples / Rold Gold pretzels / Triscuits (regular) / Wheat Thins (plain) / Cheerios (plain) / Post Frosted Shredded Wheat cereal (spoon size) / Dried fruits: raisins, banana chips, dried apples, etc.* / Any brand of 100% juice, half gallon bottle or larger. (The brands above are nut-free and peanut-free and are not made in a facility that processes peanuts or nuts. *When choosing dried fruits, please follow same guidelines.)

Summary of One Campus

All VBS classes will be held at either the North Campus Church or the North Campus School, both of which are located at the northeast corner of Ballas and Manchester Roads in Des Peres. For map - Click Here

Grade school children (K-6th Grade) are at North Campus Church, begin and end in church Sanctuary.

Drop off to Sanctuary (church) between 8:45-9:00 am

Pick up from Sanctuary (church) at 12:00 pm

Preschool children (Ages 3 to Pre-K) are at North Campus School, begin and end in assigned classroom.

Drop off to child's assigned classroom at 8:45-9:00 am

Pick up from child's assigned classroom at 11:45 am-12 pm

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Directions:

Each morning, please locate your child’s team leader and sign in your children (requires your signature) between 8:45 and 9:00 am (but not prior to 8:45 am due to staffing). Please pick up your child(ren) each afternoon from the same location, and sign them out (requires your signature) between 11:45 am-12 pm.

Grade School children (K-6th grade) begin and end in the North Campus Sanctuary (church). Enter the church via our West lobby (facing Ballas Road)

Preschool children (Ages 3 to Pre-K) begin and end in their North Campus School classroom. Enter via the school’s main door (facing Ballas Road)

If You Have Both Preschool and Grade School Children, We Suggest:

Sign in your grade school children first each morning to the North Campus sanctuary (church), then sign in preschool children at their North Campus School classroom.

Sign out preschool children first at the end of the day, directly from their North Campus School classrooms at 11:45, then sign-out your grade school children from the North campus church sanctuary.

The Week Before VBS: You Will Receive Your Child’s Team Assignment And Drop-Off

Your child’s team name and drop-off/pick-up location are important information to remember when you arrive at VBS! All registered families will receive an email 3 to 5 days before VBS begins. This will list the child’sname, team name, and drop-off/pick-up location. Please be sure to watch your inbox for this information (or check your spam filter if not received). This is a sample of what you will receive:

Doe, John --- Bobcats --- Take to North Campus School Room 1

Doe, Jane --- Deer --- Take to North Campus Sanctuary (church)

Save the Dates:

VBS Adult Bible Study: Online Session (For parents and VBS leaders to have an opportunity to become familiar with the VBS lessons and theme.)

Volunteer Orientation and Training: (5/30, 7-8pm) & (6/4, 9:30-10:30am)

Volunteer Commissioning: 6/4, 8am Service at NC Church

Decorating/Set-up: 6/4 12pm-4pm

VBS Evening Music Celebration: 6/8, TBD

Questions? Contact:

Heidi Heimlich (636-825-1477,

Julie Schowe (314-805-1330,

or contact St. Paul's church office at 314-822-0447

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