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Wedding Application

Christ Church of Central Arkansas is committed to helping couples prepare for God’s wonderful purpose and design in marriage (the covenant union between one man and one woman) and the family.

Wedding ceremonies at Christ Church are private Christian worship rituals. Our facilities are not open to the public.

The Unpack Your Bags: Preparing for the Life-Changing Relationship of Marriage in Christ wedding application and pre-marriage counseling series is an important part of starting well in preparing for marriage! Why? Because we are dealing with your marriage! We are not dealing with a decision to buy a goldfish or where to buy your next cup of coffee. This is your marriage. The decision to marry will redefine you and change you. It will set up a series of life changes that will last for generations. We are profoundly obligated to take your marriage seriously and do our best to prepare you for the privileges and responsibilities of being husband and wife.

Submitting this wedding application does not imply acceptance or approval into the counseling program. Pastor Chris will review the application and may consult with the couple and any persons appropriately related to the couple before accepting the ministry of preparing the couple for the life-changing relationship of marriage in Christ. It is best for applications to be submitted at least eight months prior to the date of the ceremony.

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