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Life is full of unexpected changes. These changes might be the death of a loved one, hospitalization, divorce, birth, preparing for and getting married, serious illness or injury, change in income or job loss. Open Door desires to walk alongside people who are experiencing times of transition and desire to experience God’s hope and healing. In addition to these care resources, we offer support groups and prayer groups. Contact: (763)416-5846, plus extension

re|engage - New!

Would you rate your marriage as a 2 or a 10? Maybe even a 0? You are not alone. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited, or is in need of a complete resurrection, re|engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. re|engage examines God’s design for marriage and applies principles from the Bible to guide couples towards growth in their relationship with each other. Join us for this 18-week experience to bring hope and restoration to your marriage through teachings, testimonies, and working through an established curriculum with other married couples through large and small groups. Marriages in any condition can benefit, whether you are struggling to get along, your marriage is broken, or you simply want to grow closer together as a couple. More info at re|engage.

*Note that due to our limited availability, priority will be given to Open Door attenders/members. A waiting list is being gathered for non-attenders as space allows. Please contact Annie-Claude | ext 1300 .

Thurs, Oct 5-Feb 22, 7-8:45pm (no mtg Nov 16, 23, Dec 28)

Cost: $30 per couple (includes 2 workbooks)

Register by Oct 3 (space is limited to 14 couples)

Care Response Ministry

For those in need of emotional and spiritual care during hospitalization or long-term illness, as well as for those who are in need of a caring presence while grieving the loss of a loved one. This may include phone conversation, communion served at home and hospital visits. Please let us know if you or a family member are in need of these resources. Contact: Annie-Claude | ext 1300

Funerals | Grief Support

Partnering with the funeral home, and caterers, Open Door walks alongside a family to create a service that honors their loved one in an atmosphere of support and care. We also provide care and resources for ongoing grief support. Contact: Bob | ext 1302

Prayer Line

If you need prayer for a situation, you may bring your request to the Prayer Line. Though this is a

voicemail system and you leave a recorded message, our team of intercessors access the messages

daily and pray for each need. Messages remain on the Prayer Line for one week. We welcome updates. Prayer Line: ext 1374

Restoration through Prayer

Teams of two or three trained lay ministers are available for 60-90 minute individual, confidential prayer appointments. (These are not counseling sessions.) The team, partnering with the Holy Spirit, will support you as you share your needs. They will spend time with you in prayer, asking God to bring His kingdom more fully. Contact us to schedule an appointment. Please indicate if we may leave a message if we get your voicemail. Contact: Restoration through Prayer | ext 1373

Resources for Life

A listing of Christian Counselors, Psychiatrists, Spiritual Directors and Retreat Centers. Open Door is confident in referring you to their services. It also outlines Open Door’s guidelines for Pastoral appointments. Resources for Life (PDF)

Marriage Guidance

An Open Door pastor is available to meet on a short-term basis to provide a place to examine the condition of your marriage and, if necessary, discuss options for beginning the process of restoring

your marriage through outside counseling resources. Call for a one-time pastoral appointment.

Contact: Bob | ext 1302

Premarriage - Open Door offers a premarriage process, required for those who seek to be married at Open Door or by an Open Door Pastor. Premarriage Process (PDF)

Meal Ministry

The Meal Ministry prepares and delivers 1-3 meals to people in our Open Door community who live within an hour drive of the church. This ministry serves those who are in a care situation such as recovering from a major surgery, going through cancer treatments, who are bedridden, or who are going through the grief process from the loss of a loved one. Contact: Annie-Claude | ext 1300

Benevolent Fund

Those who have been actively attending Open Door for a year or more and encounter short-term financial distress may receive a gift from the Benevolent Fund. This fund is sustained by donations provided by those in the Open Door community and is carefully dispersed. Contact: Annie-Claude | ext 1300

Outside Resources

We encourage you to contact Open Door for support and prayer in response to any of your care needs. Additionally, the following local and national resources are also available as a starting point outside of Open Door. Outside Resources (PDF)

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