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As a Visitor...

Visiting a new church can be a little uncomfortable. We understand that for some, it takes a lot of courage to place yourself in a new environment. It is our goal to make you feel comfortable and welcomed.

MCC San Diego offers two Sunday morning worship celebrations, where the worship of God and nurturing of our spirituality are primary. Dress is casual, and children are always welcome. There is a social time following morning worship to meet and share with others who are on their faith journey. Many aspects of our worship service may be familiar to you. Worship services feature singing, prayer time, a message, and Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday.

MCC believes in the equality of all people, with both women and men having an opportunity to participate in leading worship. MCC's also promote inclusive language expressing our understanding that God is more than we can comprehend. God is more than male and more than female. In corporate worship we use non-gender language in referring to God.

Holy Communion, like our worship services, is open to ALL PEOPLE. An usher will invite each row in turn and direct you to a Communion Server. The Communion Server will dip a wafer in the grape juice, and offer it to you. If you choose to linger a moment the server will offer a brief blessing. You may also receive just a blessing (and not the wafer and juice) by simply indicating that to the server. After receiving Communion, you may return to your seat and continue to worship.

During the 11:00 worship celebration, we provide a professional ASL Interpreter for the deaf. Reserved seating is provided in the front rows on the right side of the sanctuary.

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